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pain after eating 2 weeks after eating gluten


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So, I did a whole 30 in July and have been fairly compliant ever since. Reintroduced cream and butter with no discernible problems. However, gluten became a clear problem. Bloating big time and some minor digestive discomfort. So, haven't touched it since. Well, now a few weeks ago I was in a situation where it seemed unavoidable due to a cross-cultural relationship. And I thought, no big deal. a little bloating. I didn't have any ill effects immediately, but about 24 hours later I was DYING. Major stomach cramps and GI distress. Now, 2 weeks later and I still hurt after every meal. I looked it up and you can have a delayed reaction to gluten, but this is crazy. So, does this sound right? A gluten response? Why so much worse now than a few months ago? And anything I can do to get over it more quickly? Any thoughts would be helpful.

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When you regularly eat foods like gluten that irritate your gut, your gut develops a thicker layer of mucosa to protect itself. When you eat clean and healthy for a while, that thick layer sloughs off and your gut goes back to normal. Then if you eat gluten again, you may feel more pain than you did before because your gut is normal and not "protected." However, hurting after every meal for 2 weeks after one incident of off-plan eating incident seems excessive. The initial pain is easily explained. The continuing pain is not.

You might need to just take it easy and give yourself a little more time to heal. Avoid raw veggies and nuts which can be irritating to the gut, drink bone broth, and see if you don't feel better soon. Oh yeah, you might want to remove dairy from your diet again for a while. Your ability to eat it comfortably may have been compromised by eating the gluten. Eating it now may be a problem until your gut has a chance to fully heal.

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That's very interesting about the layer that forms in gut Tom. I had been wondering about why any gluten after a gluten-free spell had such stomach upsetting consequences even if it didn't seem to have that particular effect before the gluten-free spell. Great to have the reason why!

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Thanks for this. Tom, your comment makes sense. And I will say, it's worse in the morning, and that's when I have cream in my coffee. And also avocado. its probably my heaviest fat meal. So, for sure, the dairy's got to go, but maybe I'm having trouble with the fat? I tried chicken broth today with no I'll effects.... Maybe a few days of that and back to normal. I assume it's just a matter of healing. Though all this has brought to my attention that my father was diagnosed with glutin intolerance. Apparently his doctor told him not to worry about it and he's been ignoring it for years. Would have been good to know. I may be dealing with an inherited problem. Lots to learn still.

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