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Too many eggs for the Whole 30?

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I am sure this has been talked about before, but after a quick search I did not see any specific answers. I am almost 3 weeks into the Whole 30 challenge and have already had awesome results, down 10 pounds and still losing!

I never really used to eat breakfast, but after reading the book which was available at the Crossfit I attend I realized even more how important it was. I have been eating 3 scrambled eggs fairly regularly with coconut milk. Many family members and my girlfriend are worried about my cholesterol. I figured since I am cutting out all processed food it should more than equal out.

I am 27 years old, 180lbs, and workout 3-4 times a week and have been crossfitting since September.

Thanks in advance for any responses!


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Don't panic Andrew, their concerns are based on science which is woefully out of date. Cholesterol is produced in the body, as well as consumed. Most of the studies performed were also on low fat, high carb, processed diets.

Lots of people eat more eggs daily. If you're worried, make them free range eggs, high in Omega 3 if you can get them. Avoid grain fed eggs if you can.

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I will tell you that during my first Whole30, I had to get my yearly bloodwork done. My cholesterol was outstanding, and I ate a LOT of red meat and 2-3 eggs every morning. I can't remember the numbers, exactly, but my doctor looked at my results and said, "I don't know what you're doing, but keep doing it!" I don't know how much the numbers mean, TBH, but Whole30 eating won't hurt you.

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I ate about 30 eggs per week during the first year I was eating the Whole30 way. My doctor liked my cholesterol numbers a lot. Eggs really aren't the problem. However, even doctors are superstitious about how many eggs you eat. I have had MDs say that, "Yes, dietary cholesterol is largely irrelevant, but you should not eat so many eggs." I am only eating 12-18 eggs per week lately. I just decided I wanted to eat some different things, so I shifted away from eggs. My blood work did not improve when I cut egg consumption by half.

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Thanks for all the great replies! I figured it would be ok but it's awesome to get the reassurance from you guys. Looking forward to finishing the whole30 on one hand but thinking of making it a full 60 days on the other after seeing the results after just a short time!


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  • 3 weeks later...

I ate the entire egg while doing my Whole30, and depending on the day, could be between 3-6 per day if I used eggs at another meal the same day other than breakfast. Since today is Ash Wednesday, I boiled up 4 eggs, 2 for breakfast, and 2 or lunch with an apple and some cashews for my 2 light snacks, and we will have a light dinner to end the day. Once I finished my Whole30, I decided to hold back on the egg yolks and decrease the amount of healthy fat to the minimum because I felt I could achieve better weight loss results. Um, nope - the past few days, the sugar demon has crept back.

It is just so hard to break conventional wisdom/thinking about fat as being the problem, when in essence, if you don't have it, you're not satiated, and you're looking for more calories. One day it will sink in! Thanks for this discussion, exactly what I needed today.


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Do NOT fear the cholesterol from eating whole eggs, I believe it is a myth - maybe not when you are consuming it alongside all the other crap "foods" in today's society, anywho I eat 2-3 whole eggs almost every day and sometimes another preworkout.. I just had my yearly check up with my physician along with blood work and she was astounded at how low my cholesterol was much below average so in my own opinion, for my own body (I am by no means telling anyone they too should be eating this many or more etc. but all I'm saying is listen to your body.. the blood work doesn't lie and I feel the best I ever have!) Eggs are our friend - unless of course your allergic ;)

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I've been eating 24-30 eggs a week for the past 6 months, plus a good amount of red meat, pork, etc,

My blood work came back this week

Total chol. 229

LDL. 128

HDL. 101

Ratio: 2.3

Triglycerides. 49

Ok .... So if you look at the magic 200 number I'm high.... But. My LDL is within limits, more importantly my HDL is Meg's high!!! Which is great!!! Ratio of 2.3!!!! So if my HDL ( the good stuff) lowered by 40 points I'd be in the 190 range but and at a 3.5 ratio... But the more HDL the better!

Eggs are the bomb!

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