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HELP I'm in reintro hell.

Sabrina Jolin

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Everything I add back to my diet seems to make me sick.I should tell you that I have been on a paleo diet for a year before trying whole30. It was pretty east to stick to as a lot of the foods to eliminate were already excluded from my diet. I have no desire to add grains to my diet or dairy but wine on occassion and a sweet paleo desert would be nice but everything I have tried gives me the worst heartburn and upset stomach. Why can't I eat anything but fruit,veg,meat,and eggs? Why does Everthing else make me sick? It isn't very fun to not be able to have a treat every now and than.

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For alcohol, cut back on your quantity when reintroducing it. I have a coworker who just got back from Afghanistan and when he tried to reintroduce the wheat beer common in Germany (where we live), he was horribly sick. As in "upset stomach but when going to the bathroom it was mostly air" because he dove right back into alcohol. I can't speak too much on the other subjects, but reintroduce alcohol slowly. I will probably enjoy the occasional glass of wine after my W30, but I'm definitely not going to be like that coworker - "I felt terrible from the beer, but I'm totally having more tonight." Really dude?

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