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What's SWYPO?

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It means "Sex with your pants on" :D ...this article pretty much explains: http://whole9life.com/2011/10/sex-with-your-pants-on/

In a nutshell....If you loooove ice cream in your pre-Whole 30 days, then taking frozen berries, and blending them with coconut milk to make 'ice cream' is essentially like having sex with your pants on....its good, but not quite as good as the other one :) ....its a very personal thing and is different for everyone....what is SWYPO for me, might not be for you!

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It's sex with your pants on...a poor substitute for the real thing. Like, avocado chocolate pudding would be SWYPO for me...I could definitely overeat it, and it would be technically compliant, but it wouldn't be as good as a silky French mousse. Robin posted something about acronyms frequently seen in here a while ago under resources. Here you go!


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