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Whole 30 number 4


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Today I am starting my second attempt at my fourth whole 30. I tried starting out the new year with a whole 30 but had to stop it because it was mentally affecting me. This is going to be my first true whole30 (even though I have successfully completed 3 and a few 15 day ones) because I am finally giving up my scale. I am too weight obsessed. I feel like I have finally come to terms with the need to give up my scale. All of my other whole30's I've weighed myself throughout (yes I know that is "illegal"), but my last attempt in January I was completly obsessed with the scale. The number I saw in the mornings would dictate how the rest of my day would be. I got really upset and obsessive and realized I needed to take a break and step away.

I miss the feeling I have when I am doing a whole 30, where my bloating is gone and I just feel "good". So today I start my real first offical whole30 because I am giving up my scale. I've counted out the days and found that the day after I finish this whole30 will be my 25th birthday, which I'm looking forward to looking and feeling great for that day.

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Welcome back. It's hard giving up the scale when it's been a part of our life but it really is liberating when we manage it. As you say the number dictates how you feel and act the rest of the day. A true W30 is all about nourishing your body, listening to it and giving it what it needs rather than what the scale dictates. I wish you all the best with this. We are so much more than a number, good luck

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