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Day 5--No Appetite

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I'm having some trouble making myself eat, specifically I'm having trouble eating protein without wanting to barf. On day 3 I had some, errr, bathroom "issues" that started in the evening and ended mid-morning of day 4. I just figured that it was all the fiber going on, or some kind of detox symptom, etc.

However, on day 4 I noticed my appetite was greatly diminished. I managed to choke down some fruit mid-morning (banana and strawberries), and had a light dinner (all I could even consider eating was some turkey and a baked sweet potato).

I went to bed thinking I would be hungry when I woke up (prior to this program I have had no trouble eating breakfast or being hungry first thing in the A.M. my pre-w30 breakfasts were hemp shakes or bacon with cheese slices and peppers). I was not hungry this morning. Worse, the idea of eating ANY protein makes me want to gag. I don't want bread, don't want cheese...it isn't that I'm craving the off limits stuff....it's just that I don't particularly want anything.

All I can stand to think about eating are fruits and vegetables and maybe some cashews or something. I'm having a VERY hard time choking down protein sources. Is that normal? The thought of eating an egg or chicken or steak is terrible to me right now. Why am I so repulsed by protein, I don't recall having these feelings before...

Other than that I feel fine, I actually feel pretty good, considering. I have plans to force down some turkey with spinach and olives at lunch today, only because I know I have to. Does this end? What does it mean? Any advice? Thanks!!

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Not wanting to eat anything or not wanting to eat protein is not a normal part of the Whole30 adjustment process. In my experience, weird experiences happen occasionally. Maybe this one is yours. :) If it does not pass in a day or two, I would be worried and maybe talk to my doctor.

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I totally hit a food aversion phase in my first week. I would stare at the chicken-on-greens salad I made for lunch and think, "ugh, not this again." It passed in 2-3 days when I found myself ravenous for steak. Play around with some foods and see if something strikes your fancy. Ribs? Tuna salad? Carrots in almond butter (it's weird, but one of my favorites)? Good luck!

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Thank you for the replies. Good news! This morning I woke up hungry and wanting boiled eggs, so I guess it was a weird phase or a stomach bug. I'm leaning to weird detox phase since I never felt ill and I still wanted fruits. I guess my body wanted to try some pretty cool stunts to get me to eat junk again, but it didn't work. I feel better today than I have years, still going strong, gonna keep it up. Thanks again! :D

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This happened to me, too - but only at dinner time. I'd feel fine all day, and then at dinner feel like I'd rather die than eat. I found that if I forced myself to eat a little and then walked away, I would get genuinely hungry in about an hour, then I could go back and eat. This was only during the first week. I also discovered that if I had a small snack around 4pm (usually sweet potato chips), my stomach was much more receptive to the idea of dinner. Glad you're feeling better!

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How are you feeling now? I'm on Day 4, and if I even think about meat or eggs I get nauseous. I have to force feed chicken, beef, eggs, it's pretty awful. I just want to throw it up as soon as I eat it... I can really only stomach fruit, nuts and some veggies well....I hope it goes away, but I guess it makes me feel better that other people had the same problem?

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I found one thing that really helped me was taking digestive enzymes. Without them I got to the really only want fruit or salad phase but they definitely seemed to help my body digest the protein and stop me feeling nauseous after it. Now, of course, I'd really, really miss the protein if it was to go. I think it just takes us all different times to adjust but the enzymes really helped.

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