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Third Whole30 Attempt - This time I freaking finish! :)

Sarah Maren

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Thanks TynCoed! I would wear that badge with pride!

I have been working through the love/hate stuff a lot and am actively trying to work it out. It's funny how when the hate comes up I immediately want to eat something. There is a lot of self talk these days. I had a friend who gave me the analogy of an air traffic controller helping a civilian land a plane. The civilian is freaking out (that's me when I want to eat ANYTHING. RIGHT. NOW.) and the controller is the one telling you to calm down, you can land the plane! It's amazing how many times a day these two parts of me have to communicate. Blessedly the plane has been landing safely these days. ;)

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Slept pretty well last night. Woke up feeling good... not FULL of energy, but not like I was going to die either. :) Busy day ahead with the schools annual pancake breakfast, the gym and a photo shoot this afternoon. I'm eating a big breakfast so I won't be tempted by pancakes.


  • 2 eggs scrambled with coconut milk
  • 2 slices bacon, chopped
  • handful of cherry tomatoes
  • 1/2 zucchini, shredded
  • 2 mushrooms chopped
  • 2 tbsp diced green onion
  • 2 tbsp smashed avocado
  • cup of coffee with coconut milk and cinnamon

Pancakes! They will be the death of me. While I did not partake of any while we were at the event I must say they smelled SO DAMN GOOD! And then my kids covered them in whipped cream and sprinkles and fruit. It was like my very own sugar/carb dragon manifested. I did munch on some fruit and drank a lot of water. Then we were off to the gym! Woot!


  • Banana
  • Mandarin Orange
  • 2 strawberries

So much for eating less fruit. Sheesh!

Today's workout: 2 miles of HIIT running and 60 minutes of lifting heavy things.


  • Grilled chicken breast (boneless, skinless and leftover from last nights dinner.)
  • Steamed broccoli and sweet potato with pasture butter (also left over from last nights dinner)


  • Couple slices of grilled chicken breast topped with avocado
  • Carrot Cake LaraBar
  • Cup of green tea

SO happy I ate that snack! Ended up with a long shoot, then got stuck at the Apple store for hours, then I had to go pick up my kids because my husband forgot to pick them up. Seriously, I am exhausted! Grateful for my mom having a dinner I could eat at her house. What a lifesaver! I was about to eat my arm.


  • 1 chicken thigh
  • 1 cup of steamed sweet potatoes

When my husband told me he hadn't picked up the kids up and I would need to do it I seriously wanted to stop at the first restaurant I could find and order the biggest thing covered in cheese I could find. And then I would eat all of it and order the biggest dessert they made and then eat all of that. I hate that this is my first thought when I'm highly stressed out. I feel like my first instinct is always to eat with abandon. It's just stress! Everyone is stressed! Why do I feel like I have to eat my way through it?

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hi! would you share the recipe for your "chinese chicken"? I am bad at improvising and need instructions please! :)

TOTALLY happy to share. I basically just tweak this recipe from our beloved Martha Stewart


I use thighs instead of breasts, coconut oil instead of olive oil, double the veggies, use coconut aminos instead of soy sauce and coconut vinegar instead of rice vinegar. I omit the corn starch all together. I serve it wrapped in lettuce or on top of cauliflower rice. DELICIOUS and super fast. It's something we eat a lot around here. Hope you like it too!

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Thank you for recipe! I love asian food. How much fish sauce are you adding (or is it a substitution?)

I thought all types of vinegar were ok? Can't remember where I read that.

Keep up the good work!

(PS- are you doing all your running with TNT in Norcal?)

Oh yes! The fish sauce! I just add in about a teaspoon. For some reason, fish sauce makes everything taste better. :)

And yes, all kinds of vinegar are fine, I just really like the taste of coconut vinegar. It's yummy. :)

Thanks for the encouragement. It's much appreciated. I'm actually not running with TNT at all. I should so I can get into Nike Women's this year, but I have no time to fund raise on top of everything else. One of my good friends is a radio DJ and if she does a team for the SF Nike Women's I'll probably join her TNT team. TNT is how my best friend got into running, so it's pretty cool in my book. :)

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I slept for nine hours last night! AMAZING! And just what I needed. That sleep was punctuated by waking up to a toddler telling me he was hungry, but I stood my ground and told him it was time for sleeping, not eating and he ended up sleeping until 8:30 this morning. Of course, as soon as my feet hit my slippers he was asking for a banana, but I am happy to feed him breakfast when it is breakfast time.

Another busy day ahead. I have a 9 mile run, errands to finish, meals to prep and a birthday party for my niece Let's see if I can make it all happen.


  • 1/3 lb ground beef burger
  • 1 egg fried in coconut oil
  • 4 mushrooms, chopped and sauteed in coconut oil
  • 1/2 zucchini, chopped and sauteed in coconut oil
  • 1/2 avocado, smashed
  • cup of coffee with coconut milk
  • 1/2 banana

That breakfast was so pretty I should have taken a picture. Hoping it gets me through the 9 miler.

Struck by a major headache. Decided to skip the run today and take those 9 miles out tomorrow. My brain hurts too much. Was struck by the organization demon and cleaned out my big freezer in the garage and the house freezer too. I found food in the big freezer that pre-dated my son who is 2.5 years old. It made me really sad. So! I made a list of everything that is in both fridges so I am not buying the same thing over and over. I am REALLY going to meal plan this week too and use as much as I can of what I already have. It's my slowest time of year work-wise and eating well ain't cheap so I need to stretch our food dollars as far as they can go. Might as well start with food we already have! I'm going to take a page out of Well Fed's book too and put a list of what's in the fridge on the fridge. That way I will not have to put so much thought into what I'm going to eat - it will be spelled out for me. :)

Busy day grocery shopping and food prepping! I still have more groceries to buy, but have to be home for a bit while the baby sleeps. Trying to figure out what to eat for lunch. So little is actually prepared. Perhaps a bunch of snackie things all rolled up into a lunch. That sounds like a plan!


  • Salami (found an uncured one without sugar or nitrates at a bargain market - AMAZING!)
  • Black olives
  • baby kosher dill pickles
  • red pepper slices
  • cucumber
  • creamy avocado dressing
  • almonds and cashews

Spent the afternoon neck deep in food prep. REALLY trying to have a lot more stuff at the ready. Hopefully this week will be nice and smooth. :) At least as far as food goes. :)


  • Romaine lettuce
  • red cabbage
  • carrots
  • cherry tomatoes
  • diced red pepper
  • cucumber
  • diced green onion
  • diced black olives
  • grilled chicken thigh
  • creamy avocado dressing

The family ate at my nieces birthday party, so I was the only one having dinner at home tonight. This salad was JUST what I needed. I am IN LOVE with the creamy avocado dressing I made from ISWF. I feel like I could eat a spoonful of it on EVERYTHING. Super yummy. I am also crazy proud of yet another hurdle cleared. At the party my niece had a birthday cake made out of glazed donuts. OH MY LORD! I walked in and the whole place smelled like sugar. There was not one thing I would eat there, but I still had a great time with the fam and ate as soon as I got home. It was another day where I felt like I could really do this.

When we were grocery shopping this afternoon my daughter asked me when I would be off my "crazy diet." I laughed at her and told her I wasn't really on a diet, I just changed the way I ate. She was SO surprised. Then she asked, "But when will we be able to eat at Chili's again?" She was pretty sad when I told her never. It's days like today that make me think I can totally do this - and for longer than 30 days. Things are changing kids... things are changing. :)

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Because I am crazy proud of all my hard work today - here is what 90 minutes of food prep got me.


I'm also brining some chicken breasts and already ate the bonesless skinless thighs I cooked too. And I've got bone broth is the crock pot.

More prep tomorrow with some additional proteins (never made it to the other store) and a spaghetti squash and maybe some more veg. But, let's see how I do at getting through this in the next couple days. Hooray for being prepared! Woot!

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Well, this morning started like any other busy Monday morning and then I tripped over my dog and broke my middle finger on my right hand. And yes, I'm right handed. Spent the morning in the ER and am now splinted and such. So much for my continued food prep. Going to have to enlist some help to get everything finished. I will say I am so grateful I prepped as much as I did last night... having food to come home to made it easier not to stop and grab comfort food on the way home from the hospital.


  • 1/2 cup coffee with coconut milk
  • 2 bites of egg, tomato, zucchini scramble before the fall


  • Gingerberry Kombucha
  • Rest of breakfast
  • banana with almond butter
  • chicken thigh

I think I'm going to take a nap now.

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So.... having a broken hand has proved pretty damn difficult in just about every aspect. I'm tired, in pain and doing everything at a snails pace. My mom came over last night to help with dinner and getting the kids ready for baths, but I know she won't be able to do that every night. I tried to help with cooking dinner and ended up making a huge mess. Super frustrating. And then there's the emotional side of it. I'm pretty stressed out and upset about the whole situation. I am a photographer with a broken hand... I can't hold my camera, i cant push the shutter release, I can't use a mouse or a pen. I have a wedding to photograph on Friday and I;m totally beside myself on what to do. What I really, really want to do is eat food that comforts me. I want coffee with creamer, a brownie, tacos, lasanga and the all that. I want food that wraps me up and holds me tight and tells me not to worry about it - I want food to take care of me because I have no idea how to care for myself. This just sucks and I wish it all away, but that just isn't helping, SIGH.


  • coffee with coconut milk

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Gasp! Omg! I am so sorry! I got the end of you post ready and was like... What happened next!!??. Did you succumb to the comfort food? I am so sorry about the camera hand, what did you decide to do about the wedding gig? Is there insurance or disability insurance or anything when you're self employed? My heart goes out to you. Omg omg! Poor Sarah! Hang in there, don't worry too much, it will all be ok!

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Well typing with my left hand is kind of awful so I haven't been doing much of anything. While I did have a great stock of food, prep of any kind is almost impossible. I got a huge cast on my hand yesterday and will have it for the next 4 weeks. I also very depressed by this situation. Something awful has happened to me around the halfway point of eat Whole30 attempt I've made. It is wildly disheartening. Im supposed to be training for a half in 5 weeks, i have gigs i am unable to photograph... im a mess. So, when hubs brought home pizza for dinner last night that is what I ate. And then I went to bed and cried. At least i got half through this time. when im healed i will try again.

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