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Energy During Workout -- Day 6


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I'm on day 6 of my first Whole30 and I'm still trying to figure out what to eat before working out. I workout at 6 a.m. most days (bootcamp). Before Whole30 and during my first few days of Whole30 I've been having some serious energy problems. Just dragging myself through the workout. As a part of Whole30 been eating a hardboild egg and coffee with coconut milk about 40 minuutes before bootcamp. Before that I ate a homemade coconut flour, banana muffin and a coffee with stevia and half and half as part of my pre-workout meal

Today I had an incredible amount of energy during my workout. I didn't have the tired, exhausted feeling. I'm trying to figure out if it's what I'm eating before I workout or something else. I've added more days of rest/easier workout days into my exercise routine.

This morning I added a tablespoon of almond butter as part of the preworkout meal. Last night I made up some butternut squash. I've been avoiding sweet potatoes, butternut squash, pumpkin, and bananas because I afraid I may end up using them to satisfy sugar cravings. And sure enough last night I ate the entire bag of frozen butternut squash I cooked. I'm wondering, however, if the sqush the night before or the tablespoon of almond butter added a missing component to my workout.

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Your pre-workout snack serves to signal your body to release energy for the workout and is not really a source of energy itself. The energy that you have during your workout has more to do with your overall food intake the day before, so the carbs you ate at supper last night would explain the energy you experienced today.

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In 15 years I have never eaten before my 5:30 workouts so take it from where it comes. I can go up to 60 minutes with nothing (well except my cup-o joe, black of course). I think you touched on it yourself; if you've eaten properly the day before you should have enough in store to get through your workout. I always felt that way and it apparantly is the W30 way as well. Your idea of a tablespoon of almond butter is fine but I wouldn't overthink it. It's mostly mental, you'll adapt. Good luck.

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I used to think what I ate immediately before was what impacted the workout, until I read the book. (I loved my Cliff bars/or my chocolate whey shake). Since the book, I am now on Day 11, all I eat within 30-60 minutes is one hardboiled egg. I would like to expand this repertoire.

I am finding with HIIT and spin class, my heart bpm is peaking higher than before Whole30. Before it piqued at 142-145. Now it climbs to 150. The only explanation I can find for this is my body is functioning more efficiently. I seem to sweat more and more evenly, if that makes any sense. Almost as if I am more aware of my pores opening.

I am on hiatus from weights in recovery. Not sure what I will do then, I was always super hungry in muscle building phase. I guess from what I have read, make sure I am eating plenty of protein and adequate fat?

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