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Did I ruin my W30?


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Day 7 and I haven't had much trouble sticking to W30 guidelines thus far. Only perhaps last night.

I was in a triggering situation and eventually gave in to a craving for dates. I know I exceeded moderation. Did I ruin my W30? I'm particularly concerned that I thwarted my body's transition to fat-burning mode. A bit of extra information, my other days have been fruit free except for some blueberries and green apple.

I appreciate any input

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I lived off of dates the first week of my whole30, and still seemed to hit fat-adaptation around day 15. I actually haven't bought any in a few weeks, now, I guess the desire just disappeared. Dates are whole30 approved, and even though you ate too many, you learned something about yourself! Keep up the good work :)

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I wouldn't start over because you ate some dates, I would look on it as a lesson learned. You now know what triggers you. I'd try to avoid situations like that in the future or plan out strategies if you can't avoid them, maybe have some better foods, protein & fats available. I would simply carry on with the W30 and, if at the end of it, you feel your sugar dragon's not completely under control or you don't feel your results are as good ad they could be, then add on a few days at the end. good luck

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