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Someone hit the OFF switch -- normal?


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As I mentioned in my log, I had a weird experience yesterday. I'm wondering if it's something I should be worried about.

About a half hour after a good lunch, suddenly I was very tired. Not just drowsy, but like someone hit the OFF switch. I didn't faint, but I felt like I couldn't stand up another minute. I stumbled to bed and woke up 2 hours later freezing cold despite having daytime heat (70F), all my clothes, all the covers and my winter comforter on. I got up and jumped a bit on the rebounder to warm up. Mentally I was fuzzy for a couple more hours, then completely back to normal.

Yesterday was Day 2 of my W30. I'm not giving up sugar because I got rid of that years ago. Biggest changes in my diet are a lot more meat (all pastured), a lot less beans, cheese and soy, and I cut out beer (3x a week), and diet coke (1 can/day). I take a few supplements: D3 (cause it's winter), fish oil, an anitoxidant and a multi. I split the last two to take half with breakfast and half with dinner.

Is this normal for a W30?

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This happened to me every day around 3pm from days 2-4 of my whole30 - I'm pretty sure it was the diet soda, since I went through something similar when I gave up soda a few months ago. Push through, stay under the blankets - it gets (much much much) better!

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