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At the risk of sounding like a whiner, I am crawling back here and admitting my seemingly inability to off road. I tried a W30 in January and blew it on day 27 after a bunless burger I ordered came with cheese. I used that as an excuse to go off the rails. What is the deal with this!!!!

The only, and I repeat, only time I have peace about food is when I am strictly W30 compliant. I started paleo a little over a year ago and I have done great up until the last few months. I think the newness has worn off and I want to experiment.

Gawww! I feel like and addict that needs to stay away from her crack!

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There is no shame in needing strict guidelines to tell you what to eat. You are up against a powerful force of industrial food and propaganda, so take the support where you can get it. You can start a Whole 30 anytime. And over and over and it's all good and it's all progress!

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I "liked" your post because I relate wholeheartedly. I have just begun my Whole30, but for my entire adult life I've been either All or None when eating healhily. I think rules, for some of us, are the answer.

And Whole27 is Awesome! I know I would be hard on myself and regret going off the wagon on Day 27, but we are always hardest on ourselves. As my therapist taught me, say to yourself what you would say to a loved one: "You did great doing 27 days and you are only human."

And I have been referring to bread and cookies as my crack for years. Good luck!

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