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Maggie May's W30 Success Log!

Maggie May

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Hey everyone!

I don't know what number attempt this is for me. I've given up every time... and I'm here to stop that! I've been eating in a paleo lifestyle for 1.5 years or so, and my 80/20 plan has slipped into 50/50. Fortunately I haven't been super big into the "paleo-ified" foods lately, so that isn't an issue for me...

I'm just a huge sugar addict. Candy, cookies, cakes - if they're in my office, I will eat it. And I never fully quit Splenda or Diet Coke. Shameful!

So anyway, I was just thinking about how I needed to start a food log for this (without a calorie counting site) and I found this thread on the forums. My hope is that this will keep me accountable, and I will get some support & suggestions from anyone who stumbles upon it. Really - please leave suggestions.

Here's some background:

Age: 27

Height: 5'9"

BW: 162 lbs

BF: 16%

Activity: CrossFit 3-5x/week, 20 mins of yoga 1x/week

Day 1: Wednesday, March 6, 2013


1/4lb breakfast sausage (just spices, no sugar)

2 eggs

Green smoothie (I learned that these are a no-go, so I won't be having them anymore)

1 cup black coffee


Turkey, kale & sweet potato casserole (about 1 cup)


About 1/4 cup raw almonds and a small serving of berries


1/4lb ground beef burger

Steamed broccoli

I thought I'd be more hungry but I really wasn't. I didn't work out yesterday, otherwise I probably would have eaten more. Woohoo, day 1 in the books!

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Day 2: Thursday, March 7, 2013


Turkey, kale & sweet potato casserole

Grande Americano from Sbux


Chipotle salad with carnitas, pico de gallo, & guac

Unsweetened iced tea with lemon


Turkey, kale & sweet potato casserole (I've been on the run lately - this is finally gone!)

Small green apple with heaping scoop of almond butter

1 can lime La Croix

Hooray! I should also note that I have some autoimmune issues - Raynaud's and some ongoing back pain. I've been dealing with Raynaud's for over 10 years and it's gotten pretty bad. I even changed up my birth control (TMI? sorry) because I had read that being on the pill can make it worse. So I'm off that, but I haven't seen a huge effect. I think the other thing that will help is quitting Diet Coke, but I can't be sure since I'm still drinking coffee. I'm not sure if I'm ready to go cold-turkey on all forms of caffeine yet.

I should search these forums for these topics... hmm... I know Robb Wolf had written that for autoimmune, eggs are out too... that makes me sad. I'll stick to W30 first, see how it affects it. Then maybe cut out eggs, nightshades, etc... Thoughts? :)

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