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Cravings, no energy, day 20

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So, I'm on day 20 so far and I haven't cheated at all. I didn't have much for cravings in the first week, but for some reason the last few days they've been almost overwhelming. I haven't gotten the "tiger blood" yet, in fact I'm more tired than I was before I started and I'm having trouble sleeping through the night most nights. I'm trying hard to not get discouraged, but I haven't really seen many improvements for all my effort. Am I crazy?

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No, you are not crazy. Actually, what you're experiencing might be very good because it sounds like your brain is making a last ditch effort to get you to go back to old habits. Basically, it wants to take the path of least resistance, which is eating the old foods you removed from your diet during the the last 20 days. You are forcing it to take the long, windy road but if you stay the course, this twisty road will soon become the straight path of least resistance. And then you have successfully created a new habit. It is hard work, but you are well on your way so stick it out! I have a feeling you are also right around the corner to feeling the magic. It has taken me to day 29 before I really felt the magic, but it is worth it.

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Many people don't eat enough when they do a Whole30. I wonder about eating enough whenever I hear about cravings. Cravings are always worse when you are hungry. And low energy makes me wonder if you are eating starchy carbs, the energy food of Whole9 menus.

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Day 15-21 was misery for me. My body was fighting a cold, life was happening (that i guess was stress but did not occur to me as stress) and I was stunned; the energy boost etc. i started experiencing around day 5, better workouts... was gone! I fed my body more, stopped working out and stuck to compliancy. Benefits of compliancy kicked back in by day 23ish. Now on day 34? just because... i like it. Stick to it!!

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I guess it is possible to eat too many starchy carbs, but when I am active, I feel best if I eat at least one sweet potato per day. And if I were pushing really hard, I might eat 2 some days.

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