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Luckiest Whole30er ever!


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I am SO lucky. A little mom and pop restaurant opened across the street from my work. They have a great salad bar with 20 something items. They also have chili and 4 soups everyday. I of course keep asking them tons of questions about ingredients. The manager asked me what the deal was. I explained to her that I'm doing whole 30 and I've gotten a couple of my friends to do it with me etc and that we have to basically bring lunch everyday because eating out is not always easy, especially in downtown Clearwater. Once I explained about whole 30 to her, She gladly hands me any bottle or package of anything in the store so I can read the ingredients for myself. She also makes the soups in house and 1 is always at least Vegan, but not always Whole30 compliant. She has started asking me what I want for the next day's soup and is open to suggestions. To me that is just the coolest thing ever! :)

Had to share!


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