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Trader Joes coconut oil

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So I know there has been many posts on coconut oil. I am 15 days into my first Whole30. I have been using EVOO so far because I have plenty on hand and I am on a budget. I have read that some coconut oil leaves more of a "coconut taste" than others. I LOVE coconut but don't necessarily want all of my food to taste like coconut. TJ's version is pretty budget conscious. Does it mask the flavors of spices? Do people like it?

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Also worth noting is that refined coconut oil (versus unrefined) has no coconut smell and absolutely no coconut flavor. I'm not sure if Trader Joe's sells refined (haven't looked there since I get mine at Wegmans) but if they don't, I haven't had any issue with the unrefined adding coconut flavor to any of my food. It just has an overwhelming coconut smell.

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I have the TJ's brand. It is unrefined and does have a coconut smell. I can taste mild coconut on certain things I cook in it but I detest the taste of coconut so maybe I am more aware of it. For instance, I can taste it a lot on eggs but not so much on sauteed veggies.

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Started out using T.J.s coconut oil, which is good stuff, but my since my wife now uses it in her coffee, those little jars last about a minute. Then I found the Nutiva EVCO at Costco in a 2.3L container, which lasts forever, is cheaper per oz. and imparts almost no coconuttiness when used in cooking a la what Tom said. So Paleo Points to Costco for that and Wild Planet Tuna!

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to chime in: i use the TJ'd brand for everything and the only time i can detect the coconut flavor is when i make scrambled eggs. i fixed that my adding the tiniest drop of olive oil to the pan - it does the trick.

other than that, i never taste the coconut flavor on my vegetables or meat.

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I tried TJ and for me, the smell was too strong. I'm one of those people that can't stand the smell/taste of coconut, though, and since the first jar of coconut oil I had purchased had no flavor/smell, I thought they were all that way! Imagine my surprise when my stir fry came out tasting strongly of coconut when I got TJ...

I now buy it by the gallon (expeller pressed) from Tropical Traditions and it has no taste.

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