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need ideas for whole 30 "treats"


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One of the things I miss when I am strictly following Whole 30 is baking with my kids, riding bikes to the yogurt shop, a quick dinners out. I grew up with these "treats" way to often which led to some unhealthy habits. I don't want to set my kids up for unhealthy habits, but I have fond memories of these times too. So, my questions is, what are some activities I can build in for special times that are in keeping with whole 30 so we can sustain these healthy choices? I have started having my 4 year old help cook with me, so that's a good substitute for baking together.


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We do non food treats only now and follow the meal template. Non food treats being going to the movies (with our own snacks), going to the science center or park, making art projects together, messy play like play doh or water play. I know this may not be the answer you were looking for, but I don't believe in the "cult of the treat" anymore as it pertains to food and don't want to let my kids learn to comfort themselves with food (compliant or not) either. I'd much rather them look to entertainment or the arts or learning to feel good about themselves.

Though I realize as I type this, I do have a stash of Larabars for taking to places where cake is served. But at our own gatherings, cake type things are off the menu- we will just do a meal with fruit and kombuchas to drink.

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Whole30 isn't usually a way of eating that people will stick to long-term. It's really used as a short-term reset to get a grounding of good nutrional habits. You'll find that most W30 "graduates" move to paleo eating, which allows for a few more ingredients and plenty of baking by "paleofying" traditional dishes. Such creations are outside the idea of W30 (you'll find plenty of talk about avoid SWYPO and paleofying) but if you're open to a paleo lifestyle in the long term, check out nomnompaleo for some yummy baking recipes.

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We've worked (and still are, honestly) on eliminating the food as reward mindset in our house - as much for us grown-ups as for the kids! We, like MoLuv, have started giving change, playing games, taking outings, etc. - even giving praise as a reward.

I totally understand the baking with the kids deal - I love to bake, I grew up baking with my mom - and we still do it. But it's more of a special occasion activity than a reward and my kids understand and embrace the concept of "sometimes" food. We still do special outings, but now we hit the library, the nature center, or the fruit section of the local salad bar :)

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I look at my daughter as a blank slate. She hasn't been brought up with the bad habits/junk food traditions that I was. So, this is an opportunity to not make everything be about food.

Instead of baking, I just cook with my kid. Every meal is an opportunity to bring her in the kitchen and have her just cook with me. We don't ever bake (even when I wasn't paleo, I never baked at home because I knew I'd eat the whole cake or brownies or whatever). Holidays we celebrate at home aren't about sweets like they were when I was growing up, they're about being together and other non-food things. Halloween is a fun visit to the Zoo, which does a lot of stuff for that holiday. In the winter, we go look at all the neighborhoods that go crazy with Christmas lights. In the fall, we go apple picking and then make applesauce (ok, that's a holdover from growing up for me - but, I don't make pies). In the summer, we go see free plays at our outdoor theater, go to the gardens to see Jazz musicians play, or even better, go camping. We are building new traditions that have nothing to do with food.

I grew up with everything having to be tied to junk food. The longer I do this paleo thing and remove myself from that stuff, the happier I feel honestly. It is pretty freeing to not have to be so tied up in food that a holiday or season can't be truly enjoyed without some food treat.

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