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Get the sweets monster off my back!


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I have never realized how much I love sweets unti lthis week-end. I was at home still sick with a cold still eating what I should be eating. Come 10pm or later I kept finding myself at my fridge or cabinet wishing chocolate or even juice would magically appear. It was really bad, but thankfully I couldn't find anything beyond a strawberry. I hope tonight is the night I can finally break free of this new habit.

This Whole30 keeps opening my eyes to things about my eating habits that I never realized. I really enjoy sweets- even to the point that I have been eating way too much fruit and no vegetables. This really is a reset for my life!

P.S. Anyone else go nuts when they are watching tv and people are eating rolls at a restaurant? Good thing those aren't in my house either!

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Get off! Whack! Thwack! Bif! Bop! *Picture Adam West era Batman battles*

It sounds like you are beating the monster really well on your own, starting with keeping it out of the house. I have to be cautious with the fruit too. So far the best strategy seems to be to get more veg early and never eat fruit before noon. I also need to keep away from the sweeter fruits like mango. I caved to some mangos and persimmons at the market Friday. Must keep to the saner fruits like berries.

TV ads picturing foods used to make me nuts. It gets easier. It helped me to chant (inwardly not out loud) Notfood, Notfood (as one word). I still do that when venturing into the middle aisles of grocery stores. Killing the tv helped even more.

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