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I recently bought some avocados and don't know what to do with them...i know some people love them and will eat them plain..but i don't love them (nor do i hate them) and i decided they would give me a little variety in my good fats but i need help or ideas of what to do with them

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I let mine sit on the counter until they are soft and then I put them in the refrigerator to keep them from spoiling before I can eat them. Most of the time, I cut one in half, slice each half into cubes, and push them out of the skin into a mixing bowl. Then I add a splash of lime juice (I keep a bottle in the refrigerator) and mash the avocado into a paste with a fork.

I put mashed avocado on top of scrambled or boiled eggs.

I mix mashed avocado with a can of diced tomatoes, spices, and a serving or two of pulled chicken with some raw onions.

I have put sliced avocado on top of chili. Chili rarely needs more fat, but it tasted good. I usually eat lots of stir-fried veggies with chili.

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Do you like guacamole? Where I come from, it just has chopped green chile, garlic, and salt. It goes great on top of all kinds of things. Some people make theirs with salsa mixed in or with onion, cilantro, and lime. If I store any, I store it with plastc wrapped pushed directly into it to prevent oxidation. I love it on top of grilled or braised meats.

I also put chopped avocado on top of salads.

There was a recent thread that talked about people using it to bake or serve things in. I remember crab and eggs being on the list. I haven't had cooked avocado, but will look for the thread. http://forum.whole9life.com/topic/8237-stuffed-avocado/

And, the avocado mayo recipe in ISWF is pretty amazing.

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I also like to cube it up and sauté with other veggies for an omelet or egg scramble .... Gets a nice nutty flavor when it browns a bit....

Mashed its also great on top of any grilled meat.... Very Brazilian

Makes a great alternative for salad dressing.... Make just like guacamole but add extra lemon,olive oil and a bit of water to thin it out.... Yum!

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Slice an avocado in half, remove the pit, and then scoop (and eat!) a little of it out. On the back side, slice a little bit off so that your avocado sits flat. In the hole you created, crack an egg, and then salt and pepper. Bake in a 400 degree oven until the egg is cooked to your desired "doneness".

I am getting hungry now!

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My kids and I like avocados cubed, sprinkled with lime juice, then sprinkled liberally with chili powder and salt. I also make a salad with avocado, minced onion, lime juice, and cilantro...think it's in Well Fed with the Machacado recipe, and it's killer with eggs or grilled meats. Or by itself. :-)

I also like avocado in my "sandwiches," which are really just meat and veggies wrapped in a lettuce leaf.

Mmm...if only I could find a decent avocado right now...

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