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Raw vs. Cooked


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So yeah, I'm new here. Going well for the most part. I'm just struggling with one aspect, though. It's the idea of cooking veggies vs. eating them raw. I've read a lot about the benefits of raw veggies and this goes completely against that.

Can anyone explain to me why it's ok to cook veggies, and how they are still good for you? Most of what I've read about raw is in regards to enzymes. The enzymes in "living" (not killed by cooking) food are what our body needs....according to my reading.

If someone could speak to the "raw foodist" movement and make it understandable, that would be great.

On a side note, I do prefer my veggies cooked. Raw veggies are hard for me to eat. Cooked veggies are much more of an enjoyable experience for me....

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The cells of plants are surround by a cellulose wall. We cannot break down this wall - herbivores rely on bacteria to break it down for them; for example the cow with its rumen, or the rabbit that eats its own droppings to have another go at it. So with raw vegetables many of the nutrients go right through us. In addition, some protective compounds will have negative effects (not a paleo example but consider the toxins in raw beans and how they need boiling to death to neutralise them).

Cooking breaks down the cell walls so we can absorb nutrients. Some are lost into the cooking water etc which is why I try to vary cooking methods. Tomatoes are more nutritious cooked because the lycopene is "unlocked".

Personally I think the "living enzyme" thing is woo. Our digestive systems produce all the enzymes we need.

(Edited for rogue apostrophes)

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Hi, I'm a former raw food vegan. Yes there are a lot who claim that we need the 'living enzymes', you've no idea how careful I was even dehydrating food to keep it below a certain temperature. However the enzymes in food are not the ones that help us digest it; the enzymes are killed by our stomach acid. Many of the raw food gurus are now admitting this. They argue that there are still a llot of reasons for eating raw food but that harping on about 'living enzymes' is only discrediting the whole movement.

If you google 'raw food living enzyme myth' you'll get a whole slew of articles on the subject. Personally I love some things raw, I love big ass salads but a lot of veg I definitely do better with cooked.

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I ws a raw Foodist as well with one of my best friends evens writing a popular raw cookbook. Boy how I dehydrated stuff LOL. And man my sprouted buckwheat granola really was delicious! I was not anywhere near optimal health in that time.

Our bodies do an amazing job breaking our food down when we have good bacterial balance in our stomach, etc. I say eat some raw salad, cook veggies when you want :) Sauteed kale with eggs is yummy (even better with homemade stock splashed in as you cook yum!) I mean kale chips toasted in the oven are yummy. And leafy kale in salad is yummy. Enjoy them all!

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Another ex raw foodist chiming in. I try to get a mixture of raw and cooked. I love a big salad at lunch, but I also love a quick stir fry of veg and roasted vegetables too.

When I was doing raw food I had to eat constantly to get enough nutrition and stop the hunger. Not to mention all the soaking, blending, juicing and endless dehydrating. Now I have my three meals a day and am very happy and my health is getting better.

Just fill your plate, some raw, some cooked and enjoy.

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