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First Taste of Kombucha

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I bought a bottle of Cranberry Kombucha not really sure what I was getting myself into....I do believe it is an acquired taste! The fizziness is good to relieve the lack of carbonation from my Diet Coke absence but the smell and the initial taste could be off-putting for some. I can see why people just drink a little at a time. The stuff floating in the bottle is a little scary too! This will take some getting used to!

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I had my first taste this week. It's tart and a bit vinegary but I really like it. I just had a small glass in our posh wine glasses with dinner. Before whole 30 i didnt often drink alcohol anyway, maybe a couple of units a month at the most, so it's nice to feel a bit like a grown up by drinking out of a wine glass.

It's making a welcome change from water or hot black tea which are the only other things I drink now.

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I equated it to my first sip of beer. I am sure I scrunched up my face then too.

I have to tell you though, I can not stand the cranberry flavor. There was a truly off-putting aroma to me with that one. I am more of a GT's gingerade, Trinity or gingerberry girl.

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I still remember where I was when I had my first taste of Kombucha. It was like 7 or 8 years ago and a friend of mine who'd been living in LA introduced me to it. There was only one health food store in town then selling them. I was utterly disgusted and fascinated. That first taste was like battery acid + vinegar but I just never stopped drinking it. Now they taste too sweet. I read that it's indicative of the balance of good to bad bacteria in your gut, same thing for krauts. The more baddies in there, the more sour and vinegary fermented foods taste whereas when the balance tips more in favor of beneficial bacteria the sourness goes away somewhat. I'm not sure how scientific that is but it seemed to mirror my experience.

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How do you make your own Kombucha??

It's easy but a lot to type. If you do a search you will find multiple threads. Kombuchakamp is the website that I use for info. In fact, I bought my SCOBY from them but you can grow your own from a bottle of raw unflavored Kombucha.

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I tasted it this week. I got the Gingerade kind and I immediately recognized the taste. When I was about 15 my little brother made gingerale with his science class. It started fermenting in our fridge. I realized it tasted a little like booze so I brought it to school in a big thermos the last day before Christmas vacation.

It was way more potent than Kombucha (or maybe I added some vodka?) and my friends and I got pretty loaded at a diner. Good times!

Drinking it the other day was like Proust's madeleine. Made me laugh. I told my parents (not about the bringing alcohol to school part) and they were like, "Conor made soda in school?!" Does seem odd.

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