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Morning latte


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I have a morning latte with steamed coconut milk every morning which I know is compliant. Its yummy but the coconut milk give me a stomach ache and nausea sometimes. I am wondering if after I am done with the whole 30 is there an almond milk or another not so concentrated coconut milk avail in fridge section of grocery store that wont be so terrible. Keep in mind everything else would be rock solid on my eating and I have met my weight goals with the Whole 30. It would be 1 cup in am. Any thoughts?

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After your W30 you can eat what you like - you decide, that's the fun of riding your own bike :) If you want to try almond milk. most people feel the healthiest way is to make your own.


tells you how.

Otherwise just check the ingredients and go with whatever seems best to you. good luck

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