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Feeling discouraged

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So, I completed my first Whole30 on Sunday. I plan to keep going for at least 60, maybe 90 days. On Saturday I had a full body assessment for the first time in 3 months. Let me state that in the past 3 months I have gone from a completely sedentary lifestyle to doing CrossFit 4xweek at 545AM, I've switched from the 4-hour body diet to Paleo and completed my first Whole30. After three months of exercising religiously and completely overhauling my diet I've only lost 10.4 pounds! 10 pounds in 3 months! I am SO FRUSTRATED!!! I know this Whole30 isn't about weight loss, but doesn't it seem like I should have lost more than 10 pounds in 3 months with such radical changes to my life?? I know I'm gaining health and moving in the right direction but this is so discouraging. Does anyone have any insight or wisdom or just a pep talk for me? This has been a serious kick to the teeth for me.

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I never lost more than 2 pounds per month. I just kept losing 2 pounds every month for 15 months until I had lost 30 pounds of fat. You are losing 50 percent more per month than I did. I'm sorry, but I don't feel sorry for you.

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I went into this second whole30 and going back to the gym at the same time with the expectation that not only might the scale not reflect a loss, it might reflect a gain. I wanted to come out stronger, and as a result may replace fat with muscle. It's all good in my book!

You did something a TON of people wish they could do. Lose 10 pounds! You should be celebrating this accomplishment not feeling badly about it! Had you continued with your previous lifestyle, you might have gained 10 pounds. So, think that you may actually be 20 pounds ahead! :)

The stress you create for yourself when you let the scale assess your success is actually negatively impacting your future success.

You have achieved!! Celebrate it!

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You are probably gaining a lot of muscle while you are losing fat. You need to take that into consideration. You also should probably realize that the old "2-4 lbs a week" is from the dark age calorie restriction diets and not a good way to live or lose even temporarily.

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I know I'm making positive changes. I've had to buy new clothes, etc so I'm definitely building muscle, etc. and my body is shifting. But, I started this at 240 pounds. It's not like I have just a few pounds to lose. I have a LOT of pounds to lose. Not trying to throw a pity party for myself, but 10 pounds for a person starting where I started from is discouraging after making such HUGE changes. Note to self: Don't weigh myself again.

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Think about it this way. Whilst others may do insane diets and lose 3-4 pounds a week (followed by a *results not typical), you are adding muscle. That muscle is what your body needs in order for you to continue to lose weight. Those same 3-4 pound a week people are going to hit a WALL and stop losing, and wonder what they need to do...and likely will give up and gain it all back. You? You have muscle burning and you get to continue to lose weight at a comfortable steady pace. Additionally, you are making your insides healthier at the same time. Them? Wondering why their skin is breaking out, or their body hurts all the time, even though they lost weight.

You will get to your goals, I just know it!

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Just to let you know, I did tae qwon do for 6 months, DID NOT LOOSE AN OUNCE but i shrank out of my dobak and had to go down a size. AND I was following paleo and being very good about how I ate, and i way more than 10 pounds to loose. Don't give up! Plus, remember, the slower you loose it, the less likely it is to come back.

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