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First Whole 30 in the Bag!


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I can't quite believe I did it, and quite so easily. I certainly do not feel deprived by the notion of eating this way for the rest of my days...

The Good:

- I've lost a little bit of weight - I think - and my body feels firmer. I can't give exact figures because I don't own scales or a measuring tape and was on the larger side of average to begin with!

- I am fitter; I can do more reps in faster time. Before the Whole30 I only managed 3 workouts a week or so, now I have the time and energy for 6 days a week.

- I am more rested and less stressed. As an ambitious grad student my normal mindset is one of stress and anxiety, but not anymore! I am now productive and alert from 9am to 5pm, and can give myself guilt-free evenings off because of everything I achieve in the working day.

- Sleep glorious sleep. I used to be the person who hits 'snooze' three or more times and falls asleep at their desk at 4pm. Now I'm out of bed straightaway and fully awake until nightfall.

- The symptoms of my yeasty-gut syndrome, psoriasis and asthma have all lessened substantially. I used to ingest a daily cocktail of inhaled and topical steroids, now I only need a light application every week or so for maintenance.

The Less Good:

- I guess I was looking forward to a little more progress shifting those vanity pounds around my hips, bum and thigh area. Then again, I know that it is difficult to shift small amounts of weight.

- My skin did not clear up, though the breakouts do go away quicker when they occur.

- I still noticed some lingering food habits such as eating when I'm full and using fruit as a sugar crutch.

So what now? Well, today I'm starting my next Whole 30! I really want to get these habits under control before setting off on my bike. I have set some further personal goals for this month: limiting fruit to berries at weekends, limiting starchy veg to when I need it after strenuous workouts or hormonal times, eating meals without distractions ala ISWF recommendations, and avoiding snacking where possible.

I am confident that this way of life is sustainable long-term, and I look forward to living my new primal life!

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