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Survival Kit Ideas?


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Not sure if this is the appropriate place for this post, but y'all can move it to where it fits!

At work I've been instructed to put together a "survival kit' in case of a disaster or emergency to stash at my desk. In it I am to include enough food to last 72 hours. Of course, they suggest granola bars, dried fruit, and cans of condensed milk. Now, in a real emergency I doubt I'll care very much about food choices, but if I'm stuck in a situation where I am truly dependant on my strength and wits for survival, I'm thinking fuel matters. Anyone have suggestions for nutrient-dense stuff I can keep in a backpack for 6 months? I'm thinking cans of tuna/sardines, coconut milk, and a bag of almonds.

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Grass-fed beef jerky. Def sardines. And can opener! Unless you get the kind with the pull-tab. But sometimes those break.

I got these jerky "snack sticks" from Amazon. Prob not the best quality item but they tasted fine after leaving in my car. You wouldn't feel bad if you never ate them, unlike a pack of $25 jerky.http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=bl_sr_grocery?_encoding=UTF8&field-brandtextbin=Nick's Sticks&node=16310101

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Maybe you could refer to the backpacking meals threads? It seems to me they'd be similar concepts...

Larabars (compliant ones - I like coconut cream pie the best since they add coconut oil to it and it has more fat for keeping you full longer)

Canned pumpkin for starchy veggie goodness with some spices to season it



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Great! I had a paragraph above (lost in Tapatalk) about how I used to think survivalists were paranoid freaks--until the approach of Sandy filled everyone with a vision of Will Smith in I am Legend + Walking Dead = Zombiepocalypse. Especially with being home with two small children. I got all gung ho on making a survival kit (closet?) and then I promptly forgot.

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Tinned mackerel in olive oil is cheap and cheerful over here. There are also "cat food" style foil pouches of tuna (though check for added sauces etc). I presume you wouldn't have access to cooking? If survival means survival, then some kind of filter or tablet to clean water too.

Slabs of creamed coconut keep forever and are very energy dense.

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