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Last night I ate a bit of a food that is not exactly AIP approved (along with morning coffee) and passed out. Rough day? Emotions? Coffee? I don't know and it doesn't matter now. My face is covered with little irritations, my KP has flared up and my tummy is full of cement. I am grateful for this regardless. It shows me exactly where I am in terms of "used to be" - "want to be". My body showed me that 10 days was just enough to get over a recent damage. Point taken, onward.

When I read this I thought, what a gift that your body speaks to you so clearly, that you are getting such good information.

I think it's key to remember that this is a healing journey and it won't be forever. Yes, we'll always need to tend to our bodies, but our bodies are protean by nature. What curses us now may not always curse us, and the things we love and hate we won't always love and hate. It's funny how this unpredictable and cyclical nature is something to be grateful for and go nuts about.

Such complex creatures we are.

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Thank you, Calee. I did feel like a shining star. It was lovely. And not sustainable. I need to remember that. There's a time to shine and a time to polish.

Coffee date is on the horizon because of travel plans. Now it's all about enjoying the anticipation and not driving myself crazy. You guys help with that. A lot. Thank you.

You're so right. There's a time to shine and a time to polish. I like that!

Anticipation is a wonderful thing. I think it helps keep us vibrant if we can keep it in balance. That's what I want, a lifetime of balance. Being able to off road as something that's wonderful at the moment with the ability to refocus at will. I find vacation to be the most difficult for me because I off road and then getting back on is tough for me. Particularly because I always get a bit blue afterwards as well because I vacation with fabulous people, then come home to my wonderful home, but alone.

Last Christmas I went back east for two weeks, off roaded and slammed myself in a big ditch with flour and sugar. Came home weighing 152 and struggling since to dump those pounds. 152 isn't the end of the world but on me it's personally way too fluffy. Who knows, maybe I'll need to dump flour forever. Probably true as I swell up immediately afterwards. Sugar? I'm fine with it because it's a one square of organic dark chocolate a day..... just not for these days.

I think you're gorgeous and love the vision of you twirling away all night.

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I think everyone is comfortable with this group. Maybe just change the name that will reflect that it's an ongoing thing :) I am not setting days count, just one day at a time aiming to at least 30 to as long is needed.

Last night I ate a bit of a food that is not exactly AIP approved (along with morning coffee) and passed out. Rough day? Emotions? Coffee? I don't know and it doesn't matter now. My face is covered with little irritations, my KP has flared up and my tummy is full of cement. I am grateful for this regardless. It shows me exactly where I am in terms of "used to be" - "want to be". My body showed me that 10 days was just enough to get over a recent damage. Point taken, onward. And yes, I desperately want my glowing skin back. I had to take out my make up bag this morning, booo.

You are brilliantly in touch with your body. Used to be - Want to be. Well said beautiful girl.

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I bought myself "graduation" gifts! I mean really, doesn't finishing a W30 deserve some gifts?

Five Hipline Shimmy Dance Classes - Anytime

A month of unlimited Reformer or TRX classes. - June

I had already purchased a month of unlimited Barre Method classes. - July

The best part is that all three studios are on the same block as my office and walking distance to home.

Oh, and a cute little Gap jean jacket, because I have never had one. I always thought I was too fat to wear one. I have to say it's great with my skinny jeans. :)

So that's how I'm celebrating. Same AIP food, new jacket and best of all fitness classes!! I couldn't be happier.

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Calee, I wish I could triple like it. I am freaking thrilled that dancing goes VIRAL HERE! Of course I am.

Mo, Beets, Lady M, Calee - I am reading your logs and have a crazy train of thoughts. I laugh, feel great or get upset with you. I learn so much (hanging out on this forum has done more to my English than two years lived in Canada :D). I improve every day. I want to say so much to each of you, but by the moment I start typing it doesn't make sense or doesn't seem valuable input. I guess I am just trying to say thank you. You are a group of brilliant women - smart, beautiful and compassionate.

Super emotional and drunk from kombucha.

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Hey, tomorrow is June 1st! I'm on day 31 moving into next month. Is our group in for another round of Whole Anything?

I'm thinking of doing another Whole 30 maybe AIP? Dont know, would like to talk about AIP. That said, I love the boundaries of AIP. I'm not strong enough to trust myself to make all good decisions and not slip into old habits. I'm a tough study with food. I need a good distance between me and flour.

My sleep isn't healed yet. I'm sticking it out until that happens.


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Hi everyone, Callee, I'm starting a W30 AI today, would love to have company. Beets - don't ever feel like a failure. you all rock. I'm still humbled and awed, reading all these posts about what you've learned and what you've accomlished. Did some of you make mistakes? - I hope so :) Now it might sound strange that I'm hoping you made mistakes but one of my favourite authors posted this on facebook last new year and I loved it so much I've copied and pasted it everywhere

“I hope that in this year to come you make mistakes.

Because if you make mistakes then you are making new things, trying new things, learning, living, pushing yourself , changing yourself, changing your world. You're doing things you've never done before and more importantly you're Doing Something.

So that's my wish for you, and all of us and for myself. Make New Mistakes, Make glorious, amazing mistakes. Make mistakes nobody's ever made before. Don't freeze, don't stop, don't worry that it isn't good enough or it isn't perfect; whatever it is art, or love, or work, or family, or life

Whatever it is you're scared of doing, do it.

Make your mistakes, next year and forever†- Neil Gaiman

So, today I started on the AI protocol - let's see how many mistakes i manage to make :D It wasn't a brilliant start. I normally play tupperware tetris with loads of cooked veg in the fridge but I'd run out so went shopping yesterday and planned on doing a cook-in. However I got struck down with the worst hay fever I've ever had. I did nothing but sit and be miserable. However I had packets of ground pork in the freezer that i'd cooked with just onion, and fresh herbs so I threw one of those in the skillet, washed some rainbow chard and let that wilt over it with a few dried cranberries. Halfway through eating it, I realised it was very low in fat so I added a spoonful of homemade coconut butter - peculiar mix but surprisingly tasty.

So now I'm going to throw out the last of the eggs and start cooking some veg to have on hand again. good luck everyone

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I'm definitely sticking around with you folks for the long haul. Your experience, input, and compassion are completely necessary to me.

What I'd like to do, though, is my own kind of bike ride with you, though it isn't truly AIP. Avoiding seed spices simply isn't worth it to me; but I'm ready to get rid of eggs again. I'm continuing to stay away from nuts and seeds (other than spices) and their butters as well as nightshades and coconut flesh. I'm in the process of figuring out what serves me and what doesn't.

I still feel my biggest work is to keep my sugar dragon at bay through persistence and repetition. The less sweet I eat the better off I am--and my focus needs to be there. Plus getting back into the groove of movement, meditation, and fun. Staying grounded in good food choices while also moving past the limits of what food choices can do is where I'm at.

Are we OK with doing our own thing together? It seems Mo's on board in that respect. And we can support each other as a motley little collective? Kirsteen, Calee, Nadia, Beets--are you all going whole hog with AIP?

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I'm so glad to see this little experiment has been helpful not only to those of us that did it but to others that read it, and that AIP is something that more people want to try.

I suppose I can go in and change the title to reflect the ongoing nature. Something like "AIP Group Log- Open Ended" sound about right? And Beets can I have a refresher course on how exactly you do that?

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Well after a gelato (dairy free)) yesterday I am on the AIP protocol again. These days showed me that I am nowhere close to start introducing/eating off list foods. I will test spices like coriander and curry mix after a week or so, but I know that paprika is out for sure.

Team inflammation goes on. Remember those ridiculous bikes for multiple people? Not sure of the word in English.

Mo, by clicking edit the very first post you will be able to change the title. I think that was the method.

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Tapatalk is evil :D

Yes! That's my level of bike riding. I hadn't been on a bike in over 50 years until April. I was at a film festival in Palm Springs with my son and the hotel had bikes. He said ok mama let's go! So I rode around the parking lot for thirty minutes. I wasn't road ready yet. That's how I feel about day 32. Not road ready yet.

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I'm in for Whole AIP! Kirsteen, I'm glad you're here. My mistake was that I didn't explore oohing more during the first 30 and my food got boring. While I was totally compliant I can see how my interest might wane without getting more adventurous.

Last night I decided to test AIP, it was day 31 and perhaps I was ready to add foods. My experiment was with 1 teaspoon, yup, a teaspoon of Ghee. I put it on a Japanese sweet potato with cinnamon with dinner. Can I say OMG, seriously omg delicious. If it wasn't so filling I would have wanted more. Within five minutes of finishing I felt like I had cotton in my nose. This morning I have a sore throat, headache and stuffy head. I'm a quick reactor. My body gives clear signals. I feel lethargic. I guess Ghee isn't my friend yet.

So on to a round of AIP 30!

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I'm in for Whole AIP! Kirsteen, I'm glad you're here. My mistake was that I didn't explore oohing more during the first 30 and my food got boring. While I was totally compliant I can see how my interest might wane without getting more adventurous.

Last night I decided to test AIP, it was day 31 and perhaps I was ready to add foods. My experiment was with 1 teaspoon, yup, a teaspoon of Ghee. I put it on a Japanese sweet potato with cinnamon with dinner. Can I say OMG, seriously omg delicious. If it wasn't so filling I would have wanted more. Within five minutes of finishing I felt like I had cotton in my nose. This morning I have a sore throat, headache and stuffy head. I'm a quick reactor. My body gives clear signals. I feel lethargic. I guess Ghee isn't my friend yet.

So on to a round of AIP 30!

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Yeah, go into the first post and then Advanced Edit or something--I'm on phone as usual and can't remember exact wording.

N, I seem to be ok with cumin but I'm not adding any of the nightshade spices for awhile. Actually, I want a more clear idea of what cumin does (bc I love it dearly) so I think I'll maybe wait a bit after clean AIP to add it back again.

I'm starting tomorrow.

C, stinks that you can't have ghee but good you got such a clear answer. Now you know. And maybe with some advanced gut healing we will be able to add these things back, down the road.

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If you don't mind me hanging out with you, I'd be delighted to be part of it all. Most of you are way ahead of me so if you're riding your own bike that's great. I want to do a full 30 days W30 AIP and see how I get on. There are things I think might be off limits for me permanently and things I really don't think I have an issue with but I'll give it at least 30 days (I already know it'll have to be 33 'cos I really can't get out of having a coffee on Monday at my 89 year old father's without seriously upsetting him) before I play about with reintroducing anything. It's fascinating reading everyone's experiences.

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Kirsteen- ISWF does not mention eliminating coffee on the AIP, only on the IBS protocol. PaleoMom and others list coffee (and chocolate) as both seeds and gluten cross-reactors and state they should be avoided for AIP. However this is a W30 AIP and I believe that removing coffee is a personal choice- especially since you are not eating the actual seed, you are drinking a decoction of it. While it will always be a better choice to rest from coffee, I don't see that having some on Monday should make you feel like you are not following AIP. Dallas & Melissa's version is a little looser than others.

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Hmmmm so you mean I don't actually, really completely have to give up coffee? Seriously it's one of the things I really don't think upsets me in any way. I gave it up for several months and noticed no difference when I went back to it but I do so enjoy my one cup a day. Now I'm going to have to really think about this. I haven't had any today and I missed the flavour this morning, the tea left me with a bit of nausea but I haven't had a headache or anything and it's nearly 6.30 here, so I imagine it would have kicked in by now if i was going to get one. Hmmm thinking hard :huh:

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In the last week since our AIP-ita ended I've had coffee a couple of times and it really hurt. (But yet I kept going back for more?) However, I put heavy cream in it, so I am not really sure which is which. I did get an iced americano yesterday from the coffee shop. I put half and half in it--that hurt my stomach more and made me have to immediately go to the bathroom. Last week I had a decaf americano--black--and it didn't bug me as badly.

This morning I was waiting for my husband to come back from errands with avocados for my lunch. I heated up some soup in the meantime but there was also some vanilla ice cream in the freezer. I succumbed to the old "since I'm starting a whole-?? tomorrow I may as well eat all the junk I can eat today!" thought. Oh man did that hurt. I did it full-on piggy style, with cocoa powder and cooked down raspberries on top, standing at the counter. The cocoa and raspberries were my favorite part, but I still ate a good bit of ice cream.

As I was eating it I was thinking, "I don't really need to do a whole --. I can just wing it. It's summer. It's hot. I don't feel like cooking vegetables. I don't feel like not eating ice cream. I want a pint of [coconut milk-based] blackberry ice cream. Maybe I'll just start Monday. Maybe I'll wait till fall."

And then my stomach started really hurting and my psoriasis started itching and I made my roasted pork, red onions salad with lime/cumin/evoo dressing (no avocados--husband forgot). I enjoyed it and I feel better. I did decide I am going to let myself eat a lot of lettuce/salads in the next few weeks. I seriously cannot function in high heat/humidity like we are having and--judging by the last two years--we are now in heavy heat/humidity till October.

I am not sure when I moved to the bayous of Lousiana. Maybe a twister picked us up and set us down while we slept.

Unlike most people, I usually gain weight in the summer because I hate cooking in the heat. I can hardly move in heat. (We have an AC but it's a window one and in the living room and I can't conscientiously crank the AC so that it supercools my kitchen. I also refuse to block the kitchen window with an AC. I lived in a dark apartment for too many years to block all my light.) I try to use my pressure cooker and slow cooker as much as possible, but the thought of eating slow-cookered winter vegetables is completely :wacko:.

So. Anyway. I will be eating a lot of meat + salad. That's settled. I really want to eat cumin. I want it to be ok. It tastes so good! I wish I'd never tried it again. Stop opening old wounds, self. Oh well. I can do without it for a week or two (after all my off-roading is out of my system) and then add it back carefully and with purpose. ALso, mixing anything with an avocado/meyer lemon or lime dressing makes it completely amazing so I can survive thrive.

I feel like I need to completely settle my rules but maybe I'll do that tomorrow am. Under consideration: length of time (stopping or pausing for my birthday?), egg yolks, seed spices.

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I agree with the lots of salad! I want to roast sweet pots but a 400 degree oven in this heat- icky! And no way can I use the air cond that cold to compensate. Will cook meats overnight at 250 degrees. I made over a gallon of cultured veg today- cabbage, carrot, radish, red bells (sorry team inflammation) and green onions. Should be ready in a week, maybe less, it's warm. Meat+kraut+ any dressing or avo will be my summer go to. With a big side of fruit :D

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Ok I reread the AI section in the book and, Moluv, I'm really grateful because I've decided not to give up coffee. After all it's W30 AIP I'm doing - at least that's my story and i'm sticking to it :P I am sure i don't have a problem with it. I've had various food intolerance tests over the years and coffees never shown up and, as I said I've given it up before for months and come back to it and not noticed any difference, except that I do so enjoy that one cup in the morning. I've always taken it black so that's not an issue.

Yesterday (day 1) went fine. I had pork and chard for breakfast, lettuce, sprouts, salsa and cooked ham (yes we can get compliant ham here) for lunch and brisket with cabbage, green beans and sweet potato for dinner. Nearly got derailed after dinner. I asked my son to make me a cup of tea and surprise me (I have about 2 dozen different types) I went to take a sip, sniffed it and asked him what it was - chili chai. Ah well forgot to clean out my tea rack along with my spice rack so have that to do today. So far - so good.

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Ha! Of course it'd be the chili chai. :) (Sounds yummy though.)

I'm starting my w20 tomorrow. I toyed with the idea of taking the night off for my b'day and just pretending, log-wise, it didn't happen :ph34r:--but what is the point of the log if I am hiding things from it? (Not talking about the need to track every molecule of food but more so the general accountability the log keeps in play.)

For me the most important thing is getting out of the sugar cycle. In the last couple days I've had ice cream, but my real nemesis is dried fruit. (A little is ok for me, but I still tend to reach for it more often than necessary.) I can feel it running through my body, making me tired and wanting more.

I want to devote the next couple weeks to:

ditching sugar for real,

getting solid sleep and

moving my body.

If I can do that, it doesn't matter what number is after the "w." I am stuck in a cycle of feeling confused about what I need or don't need to do. I think it's great, inspiring that so many people do these long or frequent whole---s, but for me it's triggering ESCAPE feelings in my brain and I need to stop stressing about it.

(Or is that just an excuse?) (See? I can't even trust my own instincts now.)

I initially wanted to start today, but my head is not in the game and I hadn't yet clearly articulated my goals, measured myself, stocked up on supplies or any of the DAy 0 things that were so helpful last time around.

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