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Whole30 Buddy?

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I'm starting my Whole30 today and am exclusively breastfeeding my 4 month old. Anyone interested in being my buddy? I'm day 1 and having massive sugar withdrawals. My little girl was a preemie and I used carbs and sugar to help keep me awake when I had to feed her and pump every 2 hours. Also I've been having problems with depression which I know is caused by eating foods I'm sensitive too (especially dairy).


Anyway, starting today and hoping the first crappy week goes by quickly. :-) Anyone else?



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I started on Sunday but already messed up. I'm debating starting again (like I know you're supposed to), or just owning up to my mistakes and keeping on trucking. Nursing my 6 month old, just started introducing solids yesterday. There's another thread with someone else who started on 10/1 as well.

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Hi Amy,

I would live to be your buddy. I am on day 4 and totally flying by the seat of my pants here. I am EBf'ing my 3.5 month old baby girl and am constantly hungry yet full. I am pushing myself to eat but feel I am failing. My daughter was sleeping 5-7 hours at night and is now up every 3,I feel like my milk isn't enough for her now. I am ready to go back to the crap I was eating before even though I know it's not good for her.


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I would love a buddy- I was planning on starting a thread on Monday when I plan to start my whole30.  I am newly pregnant and scared of gaining the amount of weight I did with my first.  I am already sliding back into the I'm pregnant so eat it trap.  I need help and support and can't wait to be a part of this thread.  I'll check in tomorrow and Sunday as I prep to hit the ground running on Monday!

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I am in the preparation stage of a whole 30. I plan in starting sometime around October 21, and am nursing a 4 month old. Would live to have some buddies with me too.

Right now I have made a whole 30 binder and am going to start making some compliant freezer meals. With a baby and homeschooling a 5 year old, I need to plan way ahead.

I have stocked up on galactalougs. Today I am heading to Costco for a stock up. I tried a few months ago, but wasn't drinking enough water and so I had a drop in milk supply. I made it through 7 days then. When I was pregnant I made it through 15 days, but got really sick because of lack of salt.

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I am brand new here, I could probably use a buddy. I have heard of W30 before but it has come up repeatedly recently on my low milk supply support group. I suspect I am IR but we are living in an isolated location so access to the appropriate foods may prove to be difficult. I like your idea of a binder!

I am also very newly pregnant and hoping to not go crazy on weight gain, and also improve my chances of a better milk supply this time around. Still nursing my toddler too although he seems to be less and less interested this week.

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I would like to have a buddy too! I am going to start Monday. I have an almost 7 week old that was 6 weeks premature. I am not nursing as my supply never came in much, and he was never able to latch. Sio, I'm having some depression from not being able to breast feed for the second time and various other things in life. I'm eating poorly and that's making things worse, I know. I've never completed a whole 30, I have made it 14 and 8 days.

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What a wonderfully diverse group we have here! Nursing, pregnant, postpartum, newbies and some that have completed a whole30 or at least tried.  


I am on the east coast and will be checking in mostly in the mornings.


I am 6 weeks pregnant with my second (my daughter is almost 2.5) and am trying to stay as whole30 as possible for a few reasons.  I gained an unhealthy amount of weight with my first pregnancy, and while I did manage to lose it all- 15lbs of it came back and I was trying to get rid of the excess weight when I became pregnant.  So long story short I am heavier than I wanted to be starting this pregnancy.  Whole30 is the healthiest way I know how to eat.  I do very well with black and white rules and being pregnant I feel like "gives me an excuse" to be picky about what I eat (NOT that you need one anyway, but this just helps my brain a little.)


I was feeling pretty ill yesterday and last night, but was happy to find that I woke up fine, drank my seltzer on the train and just had some chicken and butternut squash with ghee and cinnamon for meal 1.  I have a cup of tea and lots of water waiting for me, As well as some of Melissa Joulwan's gingered zucchini soup that hopefully will help as the nausea returns throughout the day.


I was feeling not sick at all for the first 2 weeks we knew, but now it seems to be creeping in, so I am trying to manage.


I do plan on getting my workouts in, in the morning and yoga at night, but today I will need to drag myself to workout tonight.  The evenings have been really tough energy wise so I am trying to focus my workouts in the morning without hurting my sleep!


Well that was long and ramble-y! Sorry! Can't wait to hear from everyone else, hope all feel well today!

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Hey mamas,

I'm on my second day of my first whole 30, currently tandem nursing my 3 week old daughter and 22 month old son. I am being hyper vigilant drinking water and also eating when hungry. I obviously need my milk supply to stay way up, haha. I am doing this challenge for the energy and health resetting more than weight loss, though if I drop some baby weight, cool :) I look forward to the support and advice from other mamas! Good luck to all!

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How is everyone holding up? I can definitely see where boredom with food will come into play... I know there are different recipes but time with two little ones can be an issue. I think in going to try and do 1 new recipe a week. This week I'm going to try the Indian inspired chicken that was posted on the whoke30recipes Instagram account. Sounds tasty!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello ladies! I finished my best Whole 30 yet back on September 28th, gave birth to a beautiful son on October 6 (my 3rd kiddo), and am now feeling like the steady diet of cookies and pasta that my lovely friends and family have provided me these last two weeks needs to be kicked back to the curb so I can get my energy up. I'm nursing and my supply is ample at this point. My bum has healed but I'm feeling that general lack of muscle awareness in my trunk that comes after a pregnancy. My spirits are good but my face is breaking out (always happens when I eat sugar and dairy). I ate a straggler pumpkin bar this morning so I guess I can't start until tomorrow, so I'll call this day 0. I like that by starting now I'll end right around Thanksgiving. 


I suspect that my challenge will be that I am home on maternity leave and have a lot of time on my hands to think about food, snack on what is in the cupboards, etc. I'd like to get in some light exercise if only to work out the kinks in my back and shoulders that I get from carrying and breastfeeding my little guy. 

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I did my first W30 last year whilst on maternity leave and actually found being at home made things easy. I could have a cooked breakfast every morning and had salad for lunch - all freshly prepared. I'm now back at work and just started a new round and am having to pre-prepare everything. I think the key to doing it at home is make sure you have lots of compliant easy to grab good in the house. That way, if you're too busy with baby to make something, you can still have a quick snack and then make something when baby is asleep. Good luck! And congratulations on your new family addition.

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