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First Whole30 but I have Stage 2 Kidney Disease and Medullary Sponge Kidney

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Started Whole30 on April 24.  We read up on everything and everything says put meat back in your diet.  Your body needs it.  Trust us.  I have stage 2 kidney disease and Medullary Sponge kidney (produce a mass amount of stones at one time, found 21 stones when diagnosed).  Dr. Said I could have 6ozs of animal protein a day but it still messed with me.  So I cut meat out recently and I have to watch my oxalate levels because of the stones. So I started Whoke40 and I tried doing meat but my kidneys are on fire.  I've read the post for Vegans/Vegetarian but it's not truly considered Whole30.  Anyone else with kidney issues have trouble and if so any suggestions.  

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