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New to whole30, nursing, change in 5mth old's BM

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For the last 5 days I've been following the whole30 program. But I've noticed my dayghter's poop has changed. It's a lot looser (liquidy), and darker in color, almost orange-y instead of mustard yellow. And it's NOT seedy at all.

I haven't been eating anything odd, except obviously more vegetables and following whole30 rules. But I'm just wondering if this is something I should do after nursing, or at least after she starts solids. She's almost 5 months old. Thanks!

I eat sweet potatoes and white potatoes, meats, and lately zucchini, mushrooms, lots of cauliflower, and mixed greens. Lots of eggs and meats. A banana here or there...an avocado here and there (waiting for them to ripen). Not sure if her poop is an indicator of a sensitivity?


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It could certainly be because of the change in your diet -- especially if your eating habits were quite a bit different before your baby.  However, like I said on another post, there are all kinds of viruses going around, and the first winter with a baby is hard.  Your little one is building a nice immune system, though!  I never worry about poop color unless it is red (bloody), white or black. 


I would keep up the starchy veggies and lots of fat.  And of course, listen to your momma instinct.  :)

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I too have a 5 month old... I had opposite problem with baby going 5-8 days between BMs... poor kid! She is EBF, doesn't take a bottle and will be starting solids in a few weeks. I let well enough alone and figured she was happy and milk was flowing, so she would adjust. I'm just afraid that I'm not eating enough fats/proteins for her!

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