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Posts posted by ShannonSpruiell

  1. Hi There!
    I am a newbie with a few questions in regards to my histamine intolerance. I have been reading up on and learning about the whole30 the past few days and have started to gather more information about getting started! However, this will be my first time trying the whole30 and I have a few questions that I'm hoping you could answer! 
    • To start with, I need a lot of help with understanding how to read labels, is there a template or guide/resource available for learning how to read labels? I am especially confused about how to tell if there is or is not any sugars in products because a lot of things will say "added sugars,- 0" etc. but the book says to stay away from even those, so I'm not sure what is or is not acceptable when looking at labels. I'm also not sure how compatible my current daily supplements are with whole30 because I'm not sure how to decipher the labels. I am a bit overwhelmed by the amount of information there is about restrictions and things being eliminated, what is ok/not ok etc. especially when it comes to reading labels. I could really use some help and guidance on getting started in that regard. I found this link to research up on it: https://whole30.com/whole30-label-reading/ ...but maybe ther is other advice you could give me on label reading specifically for someone with a histamine intolerance?
    • Having said this, is there a forum or group on the whole30 site you can direct me to to learn more about navigating the whole30 without histamines? I have the low-histamine-grocery PDF, but need some tips for the best way to incorporate that into meal prep and planning, because it looks like it will eliminate a lot of options/recipes.

    thanks so much!

    Shannon S.

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