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Posts posted by erinwalkertodd

  1. I'm so glad I found this thread!! I started my cycle yesterday, which was day 12 of my first whole30. I never start on a Friday (it's usually around a Tuesday) and I'm about 10 days early. I was on BC for 10 years when I decided to take myself off. That was around 3 years ago. My cycle has yet to fully return to "normal" in those 3 years. I've had months where periods are super heavy and last for 7-10 days and then the next month it'll be light and lasts 5 days. It's strange. I think the BC affected my natural hormones so I was hoping whole30 would help straighten them out. I participate in crossfit 3-4 times a week, but exercise has never had an impact on my cycle. I was a 2 sport college athlete. I've read a lot of threads on here and the consensus seems to be that those on BC get early periods while those who aren't get them late. But I'm not on BC and got mine early. This is only day two of my period so I'm not sure about the heaviness or the pain but I don't think I experienced too much of the PMS I typically do. I think I may have been bloated bc I could me be physically see a change in my waist size (always looked like it was holding water) and I may have been cranky a day or two before. No other symptoms. So I guess I'm writing this to see what your thoughts are.

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