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Starting Whole30 today, 13/05/2013


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Thank you for your suggestion! I had some fresh strawberries today, at the end of a good lunch made of fish, spinach salad and avocado, and I'm still not hungry! I'm more and more convinced that satiety is mostly a matter of how many fats you eat:-)

Anyway, today is the 10th day! Great!

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How is everyone doing on day 11? I'm sipping my first bullet proof coffee and I love it. I love all of the real food I'm eating and have not been starving inbetween meals or at night - my typical snack time.

I am having trouble sleeping but I know that is due to work stress. This weekend we are going to the Farmer's Market. I live in Kansas City. The market is HUGE! We have a very big list with great meals ahead.

My husband is a bit leary of the "no dairy" rule and corn with Memorial Day coming up but we came up with alernatives and have worked out a plan. We also have a huge gathering on Sunday night. I plan to eat a meal of spinach and some berries with coconut milk and flakes right before we leave. At the party I'm eating a burger (no bun) as soon as we arrive so my spinach and berry meal does not turn into a snack. Luckily the gathering is a mile away!!

How is everyone else dealing with Holiday's away from your home?

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Hello everyone!

How is the 12th? I just had breakfast: the most amazing scrambled eggs, recipe found here http://www.katiekdid.com/2012/08/21/coconut-scrambled-eggs/ and some red cabbage cooked with a little apple and cumin. I'm taking my recipes mostly from the internet, and I love doing all the cooking (ah! If only the dishes could wash themselves without me...). So far, so good, except for yesterday afternoon, when I had a little crisis that ended snacking on 13 almonds. It's a very stressful period for me (M.A. exams, family issues..) and yesterday I was a little bit anxious. Normally, when I feel like that, I used to binge on carb loaded stuff-like ice cream, cookies, yogurt and cereals, crackers...

But yesterday I just wanted some nuts so bad! So finally I told myself: "Ok, instead of staying here suffering while watching my boyfriend eating almonds from the bag...just have a handful and stop." I know we are not supposed to snack between meals, but it was almost dinner time, so I think I can forgive myself and consider it just a pre-dinner appetizer.

What do you think?

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Oh, I'm a newbie too :) and I do not eat between meals, I just drink plain water, homemade cucumber herbal water, and sometimes I have some herbal tea (I have to say that I feel thirstier than ever...weird!). But in fact I'm not even hungry between meals, that is great! What happened yesterday was just a response to anxiety, and I know I have to work on it...

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Day 13 everyone! I can hardly believe we're almost half "done" (though the thought of going 'off-road' is sort of unfathomable at this point). Week two has been really tough for me, more psychologically than anything. I am not nearly as inspired to cook as I was last week, so I've had a lot of quick and utilitarian meals. Plus work has been stressful, I've had trouble getting adequate sleep, and I've been really headachey pretty much the whole week. I think that might be a reaction to very humid, icky weather.

But I feel that this should turn around soon. It must be part of the healing process in some way. Certainly I am not tempted to eat anything off-plan, at least not for more than a fleeting few seconds ("I'm at work late! It's brownie time! Oh wait, no it's not.") and I just browsed my Pinterest page, where I collect paleo and W30 safe recipes and am getting excited to cook again, so we'll see what the weekend brings - after I put in this Saturday at the office (bleah!)

I hope everyone is doing well and has a lovely Whole30 weekend!

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Good morning from a rainy and cold italian sunday! Day 14th here, and I've just realized that I can breathe with my nose! I suffer from synusitis for a long time, and I used to take antibiotics, steroids and other meds to have this same result in twice the time. Maybe I should seriously consider the idea of being paleo for life, even after the next two weeks (but with wine XD) since I've never felt so good!

Have a great third week guys! My commitment will be: adjusting my nuts intake (too many hazelnuts and almonds) and pushing a little bit harder at the gym.

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This week I need to work on skipping a 3rd cup of coffee with coconut milk mid afternoon. I've been so tired and have had one the past few days. Last night I had over 8 hours of sleep - which is a small miracle - so I'm hopeful I'm feeling better. I've also been on the go and haven't taken a moment to nap. Luckily we do not have any plans on Monday and with a day off from work I believe it might be nap time!

Great news is that I have been completely Whole30 Compliant during two gatherings at our home. It was surreal not to be tempted by nacho chips. I made kale chips but did not eat them before my meal but added them to a salad. What a great crunch!

Happy Sunday!

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Despite all my good commitments, this week is going so and so...I didn't eat anything against the rules, but I have the feeling that I am eating too much fats..today I had a whole fresh coconut (split in two meals)...

It was a little coconut, but I eat the whole of it...besides other things I normally have for my meals. I mean, I know it is not a big deal, but my desire to lose weight (I would like to lose 5 pounds but my body seems to not agree with me...) maybe it's interfering a little bit with my third week in terms of feeling guilty if I have some more fats or a piece of fruit. I think that maybe I would enjoy more my next 10 days if I was able to forget about losing weight...any advice?

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Despite all my good commitments, this week is going so and so...I didn't eat anything against the rules, but I have the feeling that I am eating too much fats..today I had a whole fresh coconut (split in two meals)...

It was a little coconut, but I eat the whole of it...besides other things I normally have for my meals. I mean, I know it is not a big deal, but my desire to lose weight (I would like to lose 5 pounds but my body seems to not agree with me...) maybe it's interfering a little bit with my third week in terms of feeling guilty if I have some more fats or a piece of fruit. I think that maybe I would enjoy more my next 10 days if I was able to forget about losing weight...any advice?

Just enjoy the ride right now. I'm eating more fat than I ever have and the weight is just slipping away. I have no idea how much as I will not weigh myself until I'm done. I've found the meal template is the key to everything. Just embrace the 30 days days of clean eating and any weight loss is a side benefit to good health. I believe it's hard to switch from "fat is bad" to a "fat is fabulous" mindset...it took me doing the Whole30 to embrace fat. I've been eating paleo for the past 6 months and had a really hard time.

Hang in there!

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Hello and Happy Saturday! Can't believe we are in our 3rd weekend. I thought last night would be hard when my daughter had her Friday night snacks (one night a week she eats pure junk....maybe not the best but I believe it's better than all 6 nights). But, I did just fine. I was full from dinner and enjoyed ice water - yes, enjoyed! I wasn't hungry or tempted in the least.

I did eat out on Friday for lunch. It was interesting because I had curry shrimp and asked for all vege's instead of rice. I was mainly served onions. Two hours later I was really HUNGRY. I realized my meal did not involve any fat! I work at a hospital so I went downstairs and bought a turkey patty. I honestly made the purchase for the fat. After that I felt great and focused. When I ate dinner I was at peace because it involved a healthy dose of fat.

Hope everyone enjoys a great weekend!


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My favorite pair of jeans fits me again after months! And today I had friends at home, they ate pizza and sweets, and I was completely indifferent: no cravings at all!

This is one of the most amazing things this whole 30 is doing to me: no more sugar cravings:-))

Have a nice Sunday!

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Hello everyone! Glad to hear you are all sticking to it. I have had a rough couple of weeks - not with food as much as other things, work stress and not enough sleep or exercise. As such, I've had no bursts of energy. Basically I've been tired through ALL of my 20 days so far. I have had a couple of brief periods of feeling some energy, but mainly I'm tired all the time - and I eat plenty of fat. I was looking forward to "Tiger Blood" and it's not happening. And considering I ate pretty well before this I didn't think I'd have that hard of a time. Obviously I don't think eating off-plan foods will help, but I'm not seeing a lot of obvious improvements either. Sigh.

Also I've got a book club meeting tomorrow. We're eating out, and two of us are on Whole30 (she's a week behind me) and I'm having trouble finding any restaurants (that aren't horribly expensive) that might have something we can eat. Wish us luck!

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@Gingerrox. I'm tired too. I felt like I accomplished something when I got 8 hours of sleep. Work has been very stressful and we have been on the go with the start of summer, camps for my daughter and many other activities. I'm flying to Chicago on Friday to visit family and drop off my daughter for a few weeks. Hopefully we will get into the groove of summer. Worried because I saw a post that my Dad has whipped up a fresh batch of Mai Tai's. BEST EVER. But, I don't want to toss my hard work in the trash over them. I will need to be super strong!!

Hope your book club meeting goes well. I've had a lot of burgers with guac to get through eating out....

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Dat 23, could you believe that? This week started awesome for me. I'm strictly respecting the template and I'm doing plenty of exercise. I feel stronger, more focused, and definitely toned (even though I don't think my weight loss is going on). Moreover, I'm thinking about the post-w30, and I'm willing to keep eating paleo at least at home and whenever I can (but I miss sweet breakfast, like fruit smoothies, pancakes, and baking goods). I think I'm going to have a blood test at the and of the week, I'm very curious about the results! How are you?

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Dat 23, could you believe that? This week started awesome for me. I'm strictly respecting the template and I'm doing plenty of exercise. I feel stronger, more focused, and definitely toned (even though I don't think my weight loss is going on). Moreover, I'm thinking about the post-w30, and I'm willing to keep eating paleo at least at home and whenever I can (but I miss sweet breakfast, like fruit smoothies, pancakes, and baking goods). I think I'm going to have a blood test at the and of the week, I'm very curious about the results! How are you?


Hello Wintershade,

I'm so curious about the results too! I had a blood test after 5-6 months of paleo and the results were great! Not at all what conventional wisdom would lead you to believe they should be.

I love what I'm eating now and will continue post30. I'm super curious as to how dairy and grains will affect me. I'm not sure I'll even reintroduce grains but some dairy for sure. I think I've mentioned in most posts that I'm seeing my family in Chicago this weekend. I listed out my hurdles to my husband. I hope to make it out without having to start over. It's so HARD being home. Can't wait to see my family but the drinks, pie's and baked goods - those I could skip!!

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Hi all, Day 24 in the bank! I feel generally better though still not getting as much sleep as I should most nights. I'm not fatigued - I'm not supercharged with energy either but I feel generally better and less irritable than I have been. 


I've been waking up with charley horses more frequently though - twice so far during the W30 when I normally get them a couple of times a year. REALLY painful! This can indicate a potassium deficiency but I eat a lot of sweet potato (usually with skin), leafy greens, avocado almost every day, the occasional kiwi. So either I sweat more than I think I do or I need to eat more bananas. 

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Same here @gingerrox! But I know that in my case it's because I'm working out harder this week and I'm not eating fruit and very little starches...I guess some coconut water would be a great supplement, but I can't find it here (in the middle of a southern italian little town). Maybe I just should eat at least one sweet potato...or some apricots, even though I am a little bit scared (last time I had fruit I ate a whole bowl of mulberries....I am trying to win my fruit addiction avoiding it at all this week).

Talking about fear.. I am quite terrified by the reintroduction protocol. I can't wait to have a glass of wine, and maybe some icecream.. But I am worried about bread and pizza and pasta...being italian these are not things I could avoid for ever, but I hope my body reactions won't be extremely negative. My stomach is spending the best month of its life...I really don't want to upset it...

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I'm wondering about reintroduction as well, though I think if I'm not feeling much better or seeing significant results I may extend the W30 longer. I went to my lung doctor and there's been NO change in my lung function. I wasn't expecting a huge transformation but was hoping to see some improvement to indicate less inflammation.


The only think I "miss," kind of, is dairy. I like yogurt as a protein source and cream in my coffee, but I could go without it for longer. I would like to have ice cream again, but I see that more as a sugar reintroduction than dairy, and I'm scared to go back to sugar!

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I made it back from Chicago without having to start my Whole30 over! It was a great surprise to find that my 69 year old Dad is now Paleo. He totally understood my food choices and we had a compliant dinner before going to my brother's house for a pizza party. It was really great. I continue to feel fantastic.

Now that I'm nearing the end I can see how people are hesitant to reintroduce foods. I have felt so good and balanced. I'm not sure what I'm wiling to add back in - especially foods without breaks - ICE CREAM!

How is everyone else doing?

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We're done we're done we're done! Right? How does everyone feel? I felt kinda bad until...TODAY! Suddenly the energy! The good mood! I don't know if it was starting the morning with bulletproof coffee after skipping coffee for a couple of days, but today was the first day I really felt great. I also got a good night's sleep in, which naturally helps.


I'm curious about re-introduction but not sure I'm going to plan on it right away. I might keep this going through the week at least. 


What do you think of your W30 experience?

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I can't believe it's been 30 days! I had to add 7 more days due to whole milk in my eggs so my end date is 6/19..

BUT, I feel great! I love bulletproof coffee! I have to get over the guilt of having it more than a few times a week.

So tired today - but not the fault of my diet, it's my fault! Great movie on last night and I could not fall asleep until I finished it.

I truly think the next week will be a breeze.

@gingerrox - keep us posted on your reintroduction!!

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Hi guys! I'm totally elated like you all that we have been able to finish this wonderful experience!

I haven't reintroduced anything but wine till now (two glasses of Sauvignon with my grilled salmon and squid lunch...:-)) and I think that it is enough for today. I haven't experienced any acid reflux yet, and white wine was another of those things that the doctor told me not to take in order to avoid reflux. I think that I will reintroduce some greek yogurt tomorrow, or maybe friday...I don't know, I don't have any urgency...this morning I had sweet potato frittata with some ham and some celery and cantaloupe salad with cashew butter and hemp seeds. Yum!


Moreover, my blood exams are just perfect! The only thing higher than expected is (you guess) HDL cholesterol (oil, nuts, fish and avocados, here you are!), that is 103, on a total cholesterol amount of 180, so I guess I should be just happy with it, shouldn't I? 

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So, I weighed myself this morning and...drumroll please... I lost 


1.2 pounds!!


LOL well, I wasn't expecting much, but considering how I feel I thought it would be more. However, I should also count the 4 lbs. I lost the week before I officially started, because I was "90-percenting" it while clearing out some of the lingering yogurt and such in my fridge. So since I committed to the Whole30 IDEA, I lost 5.2 pounds - now that's respectable. 


I'm not sad because I definitely lost FAT! I lost two inches off my waist, an inch off my thigh (I guess two inches if you include both legs) and various fractions of inches all over. My belly is much less bloated. Only my "skinny" jeans fit now. I'm now within 5 lbs of my so-called "ideal" weight and for the first time, my BMI (which is bullcrap, I know) is (barely) NOT in the "overweight" zone. So while these sorts of measures aren't that important in the large scheme, it's the kind of stuff my doctor pays attention to, so it's nice to see them going the right direction.


I feel pretty good today, though I didn't get enough sleep so my W30 "treat" was to call in sick to work and get a nap in at some point before I work out this afternoon. I feel it's been go-go-go just trying to keep up with meals and the commute and work stuff and working out and all of it, this is a nice little breather. I'm not planning any reintroduction just yet - mainly because I don't have anything in the house I can re-introduce! I might start the dairy as suggested by Whole9 - yogurt in the morning, ice cream (!) at night, and see how it goes, whenever I get to the store. But since I only JUST started feeling good and energized, I will probably carry it through this week, make it a Whole34 or 35.

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w00t! Made it through. Lost 11.2 pounds. Feeling better, looking better. Did Pilates for the first time ever on Monday, and sore as heck today, but super pleased I stuck it out.


Things I learned - bulletproof coffee is not my thing. Bleck. But homemade mayo, on the other hand, is yummy. My sugar demon was gone after the first week, and I didn't find the 30 days nearly as painful as I thought I would. That said, for the past few days, I've been looking forward to a real latte in the morning -- the *one* thing I really missed and wanted to re-introduce. Dairy, ironically enough, is the thing I'm most likely intolerant of, but so far today (post breakfast latte & yogurt with lunch) I am feeling fine.


Yay us who stuck it out!

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