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Starting Whole30 today, 13/05/2013


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Yay, @mkn! Congrats! I am so in love with homemade mayo, when I saw big bottles of 'extra-light' olive oil on sale I snatched one up - five batches of mayo for ten bucks! Just for kicks I looked up a store-bought brand of Olive Oli mayo and this is what's in it:


Water, Olive Oil, Canola Oil, Soybean Oil, Vinegar, Modified Food Starch*, Sugar, Maltodextrin*, Eggs, Contains Less Than 2% Of Salt, Mustard Flour, Dried Onions, Dried Garlic, Natural Flavor, Enzyme Modified Egg Yolk*, Beta Carotene* (Color), Lactic Acid*, Potassium Sorbate And Calcium Disodium EDTA As Preservatives, Phosphoric Acid*. *Ingredients Not Normally Found In Mayonnaise. 




Don't be disappointed, @whitershade! This is all part of the reintroduction, isn't it? Now you'll know not to have that again (though is it the almond milk or the sugar? Hmmm...). In any case, it isn't much fun to suffer through the heartburn, even if it's a learning experience. I'm not a doctor, nor do I know a whole lot about cholesterol, but that seems like an extraordinarily great cholesterol ratio! According to my google search, the "ideal" ratio of total cholesterol to HDL should be about 3.5:1 (should be less than 5:1 to be considered healthy) and yours is 1.75:1! So you should be proud of that, I think! I have high cholesterol generally, though it went down after I started eating better an exercising (that's a shock, I know), so now I'm at 195 (down from 214) with 61 HDL and 112 LDL. That's a 3.20:1 ratio which I'm pretty happy with. I'm curious if there's been any change since the W30.


I will have to check out the reintroduction forum... I do want to try out some dairy but haven't gotten to the store yet. It's actually kind of difficult to find pasture-rasied full-fat yogurt isn't it? I used to eat a lot of the 0% fat kind, now I have to hunt down the other stuff. Does anyone know of any good brands to look for? 

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I'm on day 33 with 4 days left to go! At first I was not thrilled that I had to add 7 days on to my whole30 but it's been a breeze. We were at whole foods last night and we browsed through the aisles. It was eye opening to see how many foods I just do not have the desire to return to when I'm done. In planning my reintroduction I do not plan to add yogurt - not a fan. Instead I plan to try a whole milk latte, square of cheese and a scoop of ice cream. Although I'm not quite a cheese eater I do like a bit on taco's so I'm interested to see what happens. My husband is very supportive that I would really like to keep my lifestyle Whole30 compliant for most meals. He is very excited to make a few dishes after reintroduction but nothing crazy. It's great having support at home.

I also realize that to acheive my goals I need to keep going. 37 days seems like a short amount of time.

Have a great weekend!


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Hard to believe that tomorrow ends my first Whole30(37). It's gone by so fast and has truly been so incredibly easy! I feel like I have the best tools available for a healthy lifestyle.

I have been on diets since I was a child. Weight Watchers for 12 years of my adult life. I moved to paleo in 2012 but was not eating the right mix of foods and gained a bit of weight. I feel like Whole30 taught me how to eat paleo in a way that works for me. I've learned so much about foods without breaks. I will only reintroduce dairy and corn tortilla chips. I have not had bread in so long that I do not plan to eat it. I will eat a jar of peanut butter if I have one scoop - it is truly a food that I can't stop with. At some point my family will make pinto beans and I will reintroduce them at that point - no rush. I'm really looking forward to see how I progress. This has truly been a starting point for lifelong health.


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