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No beer for me, bitte

Ana 2013

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I am on day 3!! And since it's 11.34, I am ticking the box already.

Man, today was ROUGH.




Friends shoving beer at me. In Berlin. In a "Biergarten".

This is probably the only place where "I'm an opera singer, I don't drink" just doesn't do it as an excuse. The city is full of singers, all of whom drink beer in huge quantities.

I really thought I was totally over what other people thought of what I chose to drink. I guess it's good to realize I'm not, and a good exercise in independence and strength. Big social changes obviously can start by ordering water at a Biergarten.

I think it's more a psychological than a physical need. Been used to "confort" myself with something sweet or filling when tired, or insecure, or overwhelmed (especially overwhelmed).

Reading through this forum has been so encouraging that I have now decided to have my very own log. Yeeeey!


I had ham, nuts and mango for breakfast.

I made my packed lunch

and my packed "justincase" sweet potato and almonds.

I had drinks with friends (sparkling water),

and had delicious carrot and coconut soup + chicken with salad from a little organic restaurant for dinner with my sister.

I did it!!!!

27 days feel like a looong time right now. I hope a good night's sleep helps put that into perspective.

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