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30days- massive illness to CrossFit competitor


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Started The Whole 30 and am on Day 2.

I am coming out of a major respiratory illness that had me on a constant nebulizer and inhaler regiment. I couldn't breath well at all and it was really scary. I couldn't work out much and I was scared that I would never get better.

I am a 38 year old male who owns and operates a CrossFit gym. Health and wellness are really important to me. I believe in The Whole 30 and I believe following the program for the next 30 days will bring me back to full strength and health.

I signed up to do a metric century bike ride (68 miles) with friends on Sunday and am scared that I will struggle to make it being somewhat deconditioned due to my illness. I am also about 5 pounds overweight from not being able to train.

I also signed up for a 2-day CrossFit competition in 1-month. Right now I wouldn't be able to make it through even one of their competition level workouts (there are six in 2-days for the event). I'm putting my faith in God and following the Whole 30 program. I'll be tracking my progress here.


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