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First obstacle arriving! Day 5


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Hi! I'm on my fifth day, just had my breakfast (warm coconut milk with shredded coconut, cinnamon, and organic almonds, and some salad with salmon), and just happened to know that tonight, in a few hours, I have to work for a wine tasting (my family owns a wine factory and we do organize tastings sometimes, and I love wine...). So, tonight will be the night my willpower be tested! Ihope to succeed! I have to constantly remember why I'm doing this and how better my stomach feels. Anyway, I hope to not fall asleep in public! In fact, I feel extremely lethatgic, especially after meals, like a sort of after-drink-lethatgic, even if I just drink water! Does anyone feels the same?

(I apologize for my english mistakes! )

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This can happen as your body switches from depending on sugars for energy, and starts burning fat instead. It can make things rough for a few days, but it is well worth it. Sugars (and carbs) are available almost immediately, while it takes more effort to burn fat. So it can take a little while for your body to automatically start burning fat instead of looking for the easy sugars for energy.

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It IS a challenge to deal with those temptations, but I believe that thinking through them in advance and having your game plan organized and executed will help. Maybe if you eat something satisfying in advance and have your water by your side, you'll feel that much stronger for making it through.

Best of luck? Me? I have to watch my family eat pizza tonight. I feel your pain. :)

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Thank you guys! It actually went pretty well! I had my bottle of water constantly with me, and I had some sundried tomatoes in oil (homemade by my mother) with my dinner before the wine tasting, so I was already fed and satisfied. The wine (and cheeses!) have been tempting, but I was stronger than my cravings, and today I'm really proud of me!

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