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A sugar addicts Whole 30

Joy Myfanwy

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Today is day 2 of my Whole 30. Due to already having multiple food sensitivities, mostly to gluten, dairy and eggs, I already eat mostly paleo...except for sugary treats! I am definately an addict. I crave sugar like I remember craving cigarettes when I used to smoke. And then when I am eating something sugary I feel oh so good....until after when I crash and feel guilty due to my lack of control. I am at the heaviest weight of my life, 170lbs and I am 5'8. I have been working a job the past year where i do a lot of sitting around for 12hour shifts with junk food all over the place, which does not help! I have one more month at this job, then I will be in university for the next two years and I am wanting to start fresh and healthly like I want to be.

I am hoping the Whole 30 will eliminate my cravings and stop me from the occasional sugar binges. Yesterday was actually pretty easy because I had a lot going on and so I didnt have much time to think about it. My plan is to stay busy today and if i have a craving to take a walk to forget about it.

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I made it through another day of no sugar!! I dont remember the last time I was able to go this long without a fix. I have eaten a lot less than usual too, not hungry, and no crazy cravings. Also had a ton of energy, went for two long bike rides and felt fantastic. Hoping for more success!

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