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I've lost that lovin' tiger blood feeling!! Help!


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Hey Ladies!

I've completed my Whole30 and have now stayed pretty much Whole30 other than reintroducing a little red wine and some dark chocolate.  Im not sure when I will reintroduce the other foods.. maybe next month.


I've completely lost the tiger blood. I had that kind of energy yesterday for about 15 minutes and was ecstatic.  Nothing really has changed at all from my Whole30. LIttle to no stress(other than being a mom of 2 small children. Ha!).. getting enough sleep... eating well. I don't get it. I thought maybe it was related to my carb intake so I've tried to be midful of that but I'm still not eating many carbs. I noticed that I don't handle a lot of natural sugar very well so Ive limited my fruit intake to about 1-2 servings per day and eat no other sugar and I eat maybe 1 small sweet potato a day. 


I thought maybe it was hormonal. Maybe I'm pmsing or something since I'm on cycle day 42 and still haven't had my period and have no idea when it will come. 




Thanks for any thoughts!



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