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Day 1 DEBUT: July 12


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Good morning, Whole 30 world! Well, after close to a year of MEANING to do the Whole 30, my boyfriend Jesse and I are finally doing it. Yes, we have some birthdays and other celebrations coming up this month, but we finally stopped with the excuses and are committed. The last several weeks since we moved from Colorado to Missouri have been a slow slide from mostly paleo eating to... well, you don't even want to know. 


We actually ate completely clean yesterday (Day 0), and I already feel a mood stabilization happening. I'm really looking forward to improved sleep(!) and more consistent energy levels. Not to mention, dropping a few of the pounds that have creeped on recently. 


I am really excited that I've joined up with a CrossFit gym here in Saint Louis. Even though I really can't afford it, it's been the only exercise that I really love and stick with (did it for 6 months in CO). The results are great, and I feel my absolute best when I'm really strong. I've tried to do some crossfit workouts on my own at the park, but really felt my motivation lacking. I love the community I feel at the crossfit gym. 


So here we go! I'm feeling good. Cheating is not an option, which actually simplifies things. Wish me luck!



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Awesome that you and your boyfriend are doing this together! I have heard of CrossFit and there is a very well known gym right near me but the price made me not even remotely think about it. Maybe some day I'll be able to afford it. Good for you for doing what makes you feel strong. Welcome!

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