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July 17 start....


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I have started today as well. I have had a good day so far and am certainly not feeling hungry. Just a few phantom twinges for things that I would normally snack on at the moment. I did a big shop of lots of fresh vegetables and fruits yesterday. I also have an 8 year old I am trying to drag along for whole 30 too. He is a little resistant so I will ease him into it.

Good luck with your first day!

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  • Hi! I am starting today as well. I need to lose 15 pounds and regain my energy levels. I did a Paleo challenge in January and I felt great but I went back to my old ways and quickly gained weight and lost energy. I skimmed through the rules and I noticed you can eat fruit. How much fruit is considered allowable? I was planning on 2 servings a day the first week and then after that lowering to one serving a day to increase my weight loss.

Good luck!!

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Hi!  I actually started yesterday, July 16.  Today is my day 2 and I'm feeling pretty good.  A little tired and some Diet Coke cravings, but overall pretty good.  My goal is to beat my addiction to Diet Coke/sugar, decrease my horrible hot flashes, improve my constant lower back pain, and lose a few pounds.


I started a whole 30 in June and made it 12 days before I off-roaded.  But I learned a lot from that first attempt and now have even greater determination to make it until I leave for my beach vacation on August 29.  I'm going to do a whole 45!


Good luck to us all!

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I have also started today and need to have some accountability so that I don't fall off the wagon. I did a Whole 30 in January and February and lost 23 pounds. I slowly started to eat "nasty" foods again and have gained 10 of those pounds pack. I am really beating myself up for allowing this to happen because my weight always seems to creep up a couple pounds at a time. I am looking forward to getting back down to around 140 and more importantly back to feeling great again! I look forward to having our group!

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Steen machine...I have no hot flashes since going on a low carb diet.  I really think this is the way to go.


I still get headaches and that is why I am here. After 5 days with no dairy, my headaches stopped. Day 5 for me..

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