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Started Aug 28th on 12 hours notice


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Hi All.  I started this whole 30 program 2 days ago almost on a whim.  I shouldn't say that because it sounds as though I am not committed or that I am flighty, both of which are not true.  (I have lots of faults but being flighty is not one of them.)  I had heard about the paleo diet of course but had never really looked into it.  I knew literally one person who was doing it, but he was already a hard core athlete in great shape, 15 yrs younger than me, so I didn't really identify with him.  But over the past few months, I came to think that a lot of the ways we live today are really unnatural: constantly connected to media, mostly sedentary, eating foods that are actually unhealthy.  So I decided to do something about it.  Finally.  I googled "how to start a paleo diet" or words like that and came across the Whole30 site.  Literally, I had never heard of whole 30 until Tuesday night, Aug 27, 2013.  I started Wed at 6am! 

Here's another challenge:  I had a 2 day business trip that Wed and Thursday.  I knew what I could NOT eat on the plan, but I needed to come up with options on what I could eat, AND be able to get those on the road.  I had good compliance on this, since I had no business dinners those 2 days, and was able to get a salad with chicken during the business lunch.  But I remember fueling my rental car back up and looking through the convenience store at stuff I could buy for dinner and thinking:  There is NOTHING in this whole store I can eat.  It's all sugar or carbs or grains.  Most of the nuts are highly salted.  I walked through aisles of chips and pretzels, protein bars, etc.  At that point, I said I am not going to eat that way any more. 

So now 2 days into it, back home.  My wife is very supportive and will accomodate on the meals, though I insisted that I prepare the meals for me, since I do not want to add to her work.  We eat healthy at home, with the exception of potatoes, bread, etc. which we can add to the children's meals if they want.  But our plan is the core of each meal is Whole30 compliant with "satellites" for the children if they want mashed potatoes or mac and cheese.

I feel VERY confident about completing this plan.  I am headed to the bookstore now to buy ITWF book. Eager to see how my diet changes my life.


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