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One Day Down


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After learning that my blood sugar is completely out of control and that I have been suffering many of the acute toxic conditions associated with excessive amounts of processed foods, my good friend pointed me in this direction.  I made it through the first day, determined and victorious!  


I was grumpy last night, really craving a gourmet sandwich or giant bowl of pasta (did I mention that I am a comfort food blogger?  Yeah.)


Despite my lack of conviction that I will ever find a whole food to completely satisfy my naughty palate, yesterday was a wonderful day.  It was the first day in months that I did not experience any anxiety at all.  I had not realized how closely related my diet has been to my emotions.  I have blamed it on hormones, stress, an over-committed schedule, grief, not enough exercise, ANYTHING but food.  Never the food...


It's the food.


Thank you for the wonderful resources you have provided and the framework with which to make significant changes in my life.  


I can do hard things.

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Well, I made it to Day 4.  Day 2 was really tough, Day 3 was an absolute horror, and Day 4 is much much much better.  I think I may have been a little TOO low on my carbs, so today after lunch (czech meat hash with mushrooms and kale) when I started to deteriorate with nausea and lethargy, I cut up a fresh pineapple, had a few slices and the nausea immediately disappeared and I feel better and perkier all around!  I have always been determined to make it through the 30 days, but I was really hoping I wouldn't have to suffer the worst of the detox symptoms for the WHOLE 30 days!  Things are looking up!!  Hurray!

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