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Sleeeeeeep - Day 14


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Remember that scene toward the end of Forrest Gump, where Jenny comes back to Greenbow and stays with Forrest, and sleeps "like she hadn't slept in years"? That's kind of what I feel like is happening to me. I'm sleeping 9-10-11 hours a night, and still having to drag myself out of bed in the mornings. The sleep is BLISSFUL. I'm definitely sleeping better than I have in a long, long time, and I'm so thankful. Still hoping that the energy bounce will happen for me in the next week or so! Until then, I'm trying to make the most of it, and trying to get to bed earlier and earlier each night so I can get another half hour or hour of rest.


One thing I have learned about my body over the years is that sleep is the #1 fix-it for anything at all. An injury, an illness, even just a bad day. When I feel the start of a cold, rather than pop a pill and force myself to work until I just can't anymore, I take the day off right then, and sleep as much as I can that day. 90% of the time I wake up the next morning mostly, if not entirely, recovered. So I rarely have to put medicine in my system to take care of the symptoms. If When I throw my back out a couple of times a year, all the PT and massage in the world won't help if I'm not also sleeping plenty of extra to let my body repair the damaged muscles.


So right now, even though it's not convenient, I'm embracing the sleep as something my body NEEDS to recover from the damage I've done over the years with all my (specifically) sugar eating.


Halfway point tomorrow!

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My halfway point is coming up in a few days too, and I'm trying to reach out on the forums and be a better community member, so when I saw your post about sleep I just had to comment: Amen!! I love sleep and I'm working on prioritizing it myself!!  Sometimes it's difficult because I work late, and I want to wake up early and Do Things before I have to head to work, but I just have to remind myself to rein in my enthusiasm, because I won't have any without sweet sweet sleep!! ^_^

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