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My Second Whole30


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I'm currently on Day 7 of my Second Whole30 and feeling not too bad! I only had two days off in between my first Whole30 and this one so there are some foods that I have been thinking about a lot, but I don't necessarily miss.


If I could just remove everything from my fridge, freezer and cupboards that doesn't fit in with the template that would be so much easier, but unfortunately I can't. My husband and I are opening up a cafe next year (looking to have a paleo focus so that we can offer this style of eating to others, something I can feel good about!) so we test a lot of recipes out on friends and hold practice cafe sessions in our back yard.


I also hold parties for my friends and there have lots of significant events lately including a Baby Shower, Australia Day BBQ, two separate 30th birthday parties and an engagement party that we have catered so there is food galore that is off limits for me.


I found that in the first round of my Whole30 this stuff was easy to walk away from, but now I'm finding it a bit tougher. Yesterday for example, my husband and I went to Sydney to watch one of our favourite comedians and we ended up eating out at two separate places for both breakfast and dinner.


Firstly, we went to breakfast at a cafe that we got a voucher for, for Christmas off my sister-in-law. It was easy to choose a good meal there that was paleo because they have lots of flexibility in the menu. I ended up getting an omelette packed full of veggies and bacon with a basil pesto on the side. But then when we went out for dinner the only thing that I could remotely have was a wagyu beef burger with chips. Needless to say, I didn't eat the chips and I didn't eat the bun, in fact, when I had finished, it looked like I hadn't touched it at all until you realised that the bun was hollow! **sigh** that was tough.


Day 7 in and I don't feel that I am as stressed as last time or counting down the days to the same degree. In fact, I'm trying to think of my days in terms of what I need to do rather than what day of the Whole30 I am on and being a counting person (I count down to everything!!) this is a significant change for me. I feel like this is something I am starting to incorporate as my own style of eating rather than something I have to do. But that being said, I still need to tell myself at the moment that I do need to do this because I'm very, very, very good at negotiating with myself about what I can and can't eat with often disastrous results!


I'm also getting improvements in a few other areas, I went through some clothes that I'd put away because they had started to get too small and the majority of them fit! There are still a few that need a way to go but overall I was really happy with how they looked :) I need to make sure though that I'm not relying on other people noticing for me to feel good about myself. It needs to come down to how I feel inside, how healthy I am being rather than someone saying to me, 'you look like you've lost weight!' That's another thing I need to stop focusing on....interesting how in order to have success you need to stop thinking so much! I always thought I would need to concentrate everything on it when really I need to make sure I eat okay and everything else will come :)

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Moving onto Day 9....I really wanted to weigh myself today. I had a battle with myself saying that I felt like I wasn't on the right path (unsure if I had sausages that were not compliant and feel like I'm eating too much fruit) and my argument was that if I could look at the scales and see if the way I was eating had had any impact then I still had three weeks to turn it around before the next weigh in. Whereas if I didn't weigh I might be compounding something that I didn't realise was a problem....


Sounds rational right? Well, good news is I didn't weigh. I texted my husband and he talked me down saying that irregardless of what the scale says, I can still refocus and I don't want to continue eating in a way that isn't ultimately healthy just because the scales say a different number to before. Bless.


Today's food log:


Meal 1: 3 x boiled eggs with curry and roasted veggies.

Meal 2: Slow cooker beef casserole.

Meal 3: 3 x boiled curried eggs with a mixed green salad, capsicum and tomato.


Three weeks to go! :)

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