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Day 31!


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I just finshed my first whole 30 and I have to say WOW !

I have always had excuses about why I have to eat sugar and why cutting back didn't apply to me.  I decided to do Whole 30 because my personal trainer was doing it. I had been working out with her over a year and still hadn't seen the results i wanted. 


-Enter Whole 30-

Over the last 30 days I drank black coffee and whined.  And then, I stopped needing coffee at all. I had all this energy! I had lots of jaw dropping moments at restraurants, particularly 1 where they informed me that literally one item on the menu, the salmon, wasnt marinated in sugar.


I learned that the safest place to eat is in your fridge.


I obsessed over cake, sugar cupcakes, I mourned dessert.  But all the while without it I started feeling better and better. 


Now at the end, I'm excited to keep going. I'm on healthy auto pilot (once you say no croutons, no dressing no cheese enough times it starts to feel good!


All and all I lost 10lbs learned a ton about restraint. Very thankful for this experience.

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