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Started yesterday 3/29


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'allo everybody!


I started this yesterday after a few days of research research research and lots of prep.  I'm finding that I'm eating more after only one day, which is strange.  I had to force myself to eat three meals.


But, I believe myself to be lactose intolerant, I may have some issues with wheat (I can't get to a doctor yet to find out), and sugar has been zapping all of my energy (and giving me some monster cavities as I've been to the dentist, and will be back again next Friday since I have three more cavities to fill!).


It's actually been pretty alright.  Even my fiance, who isn't doing it because he doesn't have the same issues with food I have, has said it's not so much a diet as eating very well.  Also, because I have a love affair with balsamic, my food smells delicious to him, haha.


So far it's been chicken with avocados, eggs, lots of veggies and fruit, and actually no snacking.  I have an issue with actually forcing myself to eat food, and I don't eat a whole lot of it when I do, so this will help push me to eat more, but better foods when I do.  We spend an egregious amount on take out, so the price difference will actually be better.


I am doing this because I need to lose weight, but I like that it's not long term and I can reintroduce food back into my diet afterwards pieces at a time.  It's seems like a great way to learn new eating habits and I'm not finding myself hungry since I read the forum and realized I need to eat a certain amount. I already work out pretty regularly at four days a week for 30 minutes, but getting my diet to match my workout has been a pretty poor exercise, indeed.  So I'm delighted to try something like this.  Lots of those foods needed to go anyway.


Plus, I move back home on the 14th of May (Los Angeles, CA) so I want my eating habits to match what they were five years ago when I lived at home (and my mom will be pretty weirded out by my excessive weight gain while I've lived in Florida as a vegan herself, oops).  So here we go!  I hate counting calories, and I hate shaming myself for not knowing what to eat and falling back into sugar and random snacking.  So learning new recipes should be wonderful


Hope everybody is having a good morning! :3

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