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The 30, the Whole30, and nothing but the Whole30


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Day 15- halfway through! 


9:15- breakfast 2 eggs w/1 tbsp mayo, spinach, sweet potato, coffee with coconut milk


1:30 - breakfast 5 oz chicken breast w/1 tbsp mayo and vinegar on a really big salad, fruit salad


4:30 - 2 tsp almond butter with 1/2 frozen banana


6:30 - 5 oz chicken breast with 1 tbsp mayo and 1 tsp mustard, spinach, leftover cauliflower mash

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Day 16


8:00 - breakfast- 2 hardboiled eggs with 1 tbsp mayo, 1 cup spinach, small sweet potato with 1/2 tsp ghee, 1 cup fruit, 2 cups coffee with 1 tbsp coconut milk


11:00 - lunch- 5 oz chicken breast with 1/2 avocado over greens and veggies to make a big salad


2:30 - 2 tsp almond butter


5:00 - 1/2 avocado (pre workout)


7:45 - dinner- 5 oz chicken breast and 1 egg with 1.5 tbsp mayo and salsa and assorted veggies. 
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Day 17


8:00 Breakfast- 2 hardboiled eggs with 1 tbsp mayo, 1 cup spinach, small sweet potato with 1/2 tsp ghee, 1 cup fruit, 1 cup coffee with 1 tbsp coconut milk


1:00 lunch- tuna salad with veggies and 1 tbsp mayo 1 tbsp mustard, green salad with 1 tbsp mayo 1 tbsp mustard


3:00 - 1/2 cup fruit


5:00 1/2 avocado (pre workout)


8:00 dinner - nom nom paleo meatballs (minus sweet potato this time) with 1/2 small spaghetti squash and compliant tomato sauce

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Day 18


7:45- 2 eggs, 1 cup fruit salad, sautéed spinach, 1/4 butternut squash, coffee with coconut milk


1:00 lunch- tuna salad with veggies and 1 tbsp mayo 1 tbsp mustard, salad with 1/4 avocado and evoo/lemon juice


5:00  dinner - nom nom paleo meatballs (minus sweet potato this time) with 1/2 small spaghetti squash and compliant tomato sauce

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Day 18


7:45- 2 eggs, 1 cup fruit salad, sautéed spinach, 1/4 butternut squash, coffee with coconut milk


1:00 lunch- tuna salad with veggies and 1 tbsp mayo 1 tbsp mustard, salad with 1/4 avocado and evoo/lemon juice


5:00  dinner - nom nom paleo meatballs (minus sweet potato this time) with 1/2 small spaghetti squash and compliant tomato sauce

So how are you feeling?  Do you still crave sweets? I am on day 3 and have cramps everywhere.  I am also craving a sugar treat.  Please see it gets easier!

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It does, jdlafrance, it does! :)  I have a major sweet tooth, but after a week it really went away. I think having some fruit every day really helped. Keep drinking water, maybe that is causing the cramps? If you feel like you're sick of water, you can add lemon or brew your own iced tea. Good luck- you can do it!

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Day 19:


8:00 breakfast  1 egg, hand sized piece of butternut squash, 1 cup fruit salad, 2 coffees with 1.5 tbsp. of coconut milk


12:00: coffee


2:45: Lunch: green salad with 1/4 avocado and evoo


5:30 2 tbsp. almond butter


7:30 Dinner 1 cup of pulled pork and bowl of broccoli coconut soup

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Day 20-


8:00 - 1/4 butternut squash, coffee with 1 tsp coconut milk


9:00 - 2 tsp almond butter


11:00 - 1 cup pulled pork


1:00- lunch- pecan crusted chicken fingers with mustard and a salad with 1/4 avocado and EVOO


6:00 - sautéed kale, onions, mushrooms, red cabbage with apple and onion, 1 cup pulled pork


8:00- handful of homemade sweet potato fries with 1 ttsp mayo

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Day21- one more week to go!


8:00- kale and mushrooms with 2 eggs, piece of butternut squash, fruit salad, coffee with 1 tbsp. coconut milk


11:00-lunch- salad with 1/4 avocado and EVOO, sweet potato fries, chicken fingers, 1 tbsp. mayo


6:00 - meatloaf, 1/4 cup marinara sauce, butternut squash, cabbage

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Day 22:


8:00 - kale and mushrooms with 2 eggs, piece of butternut squash, fruit salad, coffee with 1 tbsp. coconut milk


12:00- lunch- meatloaf, 1/4 cup marinara sauce, cabbage, sweet potato fries with 2 tsp mayo


5:30 - dinner - 2 handfuls lime cilantro shrimp, 2 cups spicy pineapple cucumber salad with 1/2 avocado, green salad with evoo and 4 olives. 

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day 23:


8:00 kale and mushrooms with 2 eggs, small sweet potato, fruit salad, coffee with 2 tsp coconut milk


11:00 -lunch- meatloaf, 1/4 cup marinara sauce, cabbage, sweet potato fries with 2 tsp mayo


3:45- 2 tsp almond butter


7:45 - dinner - 2 handfuls lime cilantro shrimp, 1 cup spicy pineapple cucumber salad, green salad with evoo and 5 olives, 3 pieces frozen banana

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Day 24:


8:00 breakfast- mushrooms with 2 eggs, small sweet potato, fruit salad- coffee with coconut milk


2:00 meatloaf, 1/4 c marinara sauce with 1 tsp mayo, cabbage, 1 egg


7:00 dinner- spinach and 8 oz sirloin steak, pineapple salad

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Day 25:


8:00 breakfast- mushrooms with 2 eggs, small sweet potato, fruit salad- coffee with coconut milk


11:30 - 2 tbsp. almond butter


3:00 - green salad with olives and EVOO and 1/2 sweet potato


6:00 dinner- chicken with 1/4 c marinara sauce and green beans with EVOO and almond slivers

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Day 26


8:00 Breakfast 2 eggs , sweet potato, fruit, coffee with coconut milk


12:00 Lunch Chicken with green beans and tomato sauce


4:30 pre workout- smaller portion of chicken, green beans, and sauce


I didn't feel great after working out so I didn't eat dinner.

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Day 27-


07:30 3 egg omelet with spinach and broccoli and tomato sauce, fruit salad, sweet potato, coffee with coconut milk.


12:00 pulled pork with tomato sauce, broccoli, spinach


5:00 chicken with tomato sauce, green beans, sweet potato, green salad with EVOO and 5 olives


9:00 1 cup fruit. I was hungry but didn't feel like eating anything heavy.


I think I need to look up some paleo sauces. I am good at prepping food and pre cooking now, but I'm too dependent on my compliant  tomato sauce or ketchup as a condiment.

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Day 28-


0900 - 3 eggs with spinach and broccoli with tomato sauce, 1/2 acorn squash with ghee


1330 - strawberries, salad with nuts and chicken and EVOO


1530- grilled steak tips, lettuce wraps, sesame oil, mushrooms, egg

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Day 29 -


0900 - 1 egg, 1/2 acorn squash, 2 cups coffee with coconut milk, strawberries

1400- leftover chicken and green beans served cold with homemade mayo


1800- almond breaded chicken fingers with mayo, hot sauce, mustard. Green salad with 5 olives and evoo. 

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DAY 30!!!! :D  :D :D  :D  :D  *confetti* 


7:30 - 2 eggs with spinach, 1 sweet potato with ghee, 1 cup coffee with coconut milk, fruit salad


11:45- salad with chicken breast, sliced almonds and dressing of 1 tsp mayo, 1 tsp mustard, 1 tsp hot sauce


2:45 - 1 tbsp. almond butter


4:45 - 1 tbsp. almond butter (pre workout)


7:30 - beef stew with veggies, salad with dressing of 1 tbsp. mayo, 1 tsp mustard, 1 tsp hot sauce

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