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First Whole30 Starts TODAY!!! 18AUG14


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I am starting my first Whole30 today... It is going to be a challenge for me to do being a father of 4 kids and working full time. I am lucky to have my wife who will help with this and preping some of the food.. Always being at work will cause an issue and living in a country where the main language is not English will be hard also. I am going to finish this and see how it goes.



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Congrats on a great first 3 days!  It sounds like you have a great attitude about it, and thanks for the recipe tip.  I'll have to try them!  I started the day after you.  First day went well - second day I snacked more than I'd like.  Doing better today.  How was your day 4?


My husband is supportive but not participating, and I have an infant, so meals are not always the most relaxing, but we're trying!  I tried the Whole 30 about a month ago.  Made it to Day 13.  Decided this go around I should do the e-mails and forums and hope to finish strong!

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