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Plan to Start September 13

Rebecca H

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Jackie, Hi Josie, Hi erdgrl!
I just woke up (Seattle) so it's too soon to feel crappy :)  This will be my first day having my coffee without cream and honey in -- well, forever!  But I can still have coffee, for which I am grateful. 

It would be lovely to have a team to share the journey with -- I wish you all great luck and fortitude -- and feel free to rant and be cranky -- I intend to :)

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I started a Pinterest Whole30 board a couple weeks ago to collect recipes -- I find it very inspiring and there are lots of folks on Pinterest doing the same thing.  I found one website, though which is really a cornucopia of recipes -- a few are not completely "clean" so the ingredients need to be scanned first -- but most are and there are tons of great ones:

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well its just about the end of day 2 for me (live in Tasmania, Australia) and happy to say that Im on track! yah! I did my first whole30 in March and it was the best thing I did for my body!! unfortunately I didnt do the reintroduction phase at all, just eventually went back to carbs grrr.  Ive read the book It Starts with Food and I swear it was written for me!! I have just done 3 weeks on a low fat healthy eating plan and did my exercise but I actually put on weight and felt sluggish and bloated! it was horrible! so I went to the Dr and he suggested I do whole30 again and then after that he wants me to see the dietitian who specialises in low carb, high fat, high protein eating, which is exactly what I need! Im also happy to report that so far no cravings :)


how are you going Rebecca and everyone else??

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Hi guys, it's great to chat with you. I'm almost done with day 2 and have felt a little better today but still have body aches and headaches. One day at a time right :) I am doing this for my health too Jackie and Erdgrl. I had some health issues last year and would really love to not repeat it because I'm not eating healthy. It's tough though cos I'm a sugar addict. Thanks for the Pinterest link Rebecca, I've made a board too and am collecting recipes. I'm doing the same on Instagram. Hope you all had a great day and rock it tomorrow!

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Day One was a little shakey -- already started with the detox reactions, but it eased up and I got through it OK.  Haven't been up long enough yet today to judge how it's going yet -- just very glad I started on the weekend.  Did a lot of food prep yesterday and will be doing more today.  It is going to be the real teast tomorrow when I'm back at work -- need to make sure I pack enough food.


I am doing this for my health too -- I have metasticized breast cancer, which I believe is being exacerbated by a systemic yeast infection.  It's the slowest damn cancer on the planet though, (supposed to have killed me in 2006), so I've had plenty of time to experiment, but haven't found the perfect eating plan yet.  The candida diet was close, but I had some issues with it.  I haven't been completey dairy and grain free ever -- so I'm really quite excited to see how my system responds to that.


Good work josie and jackie! How is it going erdgrl?

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Hi everyone! My husband and I also started our first Whole30s on Sept. 13th! I agree, it was nice to start on the weekend. We're both students so I spent the whole weekend running to the grocery store to make sure that I had prepared for our busy weeks.


I was extra grumpy on Day 1 of the Whole30, because it coincided with Day 2 of my cycle, so I was really missing my chocolate and cafe con leche, but Day 2 (yesterday) was awesome! I felt great!

Today at school I noticed that my energy levels were much higher than usual, but after having my delicious Salmon Summer Salad (I live in Florida, where it's definitely still Summer) around 1:30PM, I feel suuuuper drowsy and am not looking forward to doing all my homework :(


Hope everyone's Day Three is going well! Looking forward to having some buddies through our journey!

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Welcome, rhythmdaughter!  Glad to hear it's going well, jackie.


At the end of Day 3, I'm feeling pretty good.  My first day back at work went much better than I feared.  I have some sugar-free bacon arriving Weds. from my local grocery-box delivery service as I couldn't find any at the co-op -- so I'm really looking forward to a nice bacon and eggs breakfast soon :)

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Hey, Whole30 friends! How's everyone's Day 5 going?

I haven't hit a "Kill All The Things" stage, although I noticed feeling super grumpy at my husband for really no reason yesterday morning. My mood lightened after my morning cup of coffee (as it often does).

This is my first Whole30 and I've been noticing that I've been a lot more mindful about how my foods affect my energy, mood, etc. I found myself getting super drowsy everyday after having lunch around 1PM (after first having my protein&veggie-packed breakfast around 9AM), so today I decided to prolong lunch until I felt hungry. I've only JUST started having signs that I was hungry and it's 3:30PM, so I think that I've been eating too much in too little period of time. Has anyone had any experience with this?

Hope you're all kicking Day 5's butt! :)

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Really rough day emotionally yesterday -- my brother had a heart attack and almost didn't make it.  He's still in intensive care.  I stayed food compliant, though my cooking skills for meat really leave something to be desired -- I overcooked the pulled pork early in the week and I overcooked the chicken breasts last night (I give myself a little slack for not being in my right mind yesterday).  I'm still pretty tired, but some of my other detox symptoms seem to be abating.


Hope everyone is doing well.

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Thanks Rhythmdaughter.  My brother is doing well all things considered -- it is a miracle he's alive -- they had to shock his heart 10 times during surgery -- crazy -- but it looks like he is going to pull through.  Thanks for your kind words :)  And how is your Day 7 going?


Today -- day 7 -- was the first day I actually experienced cravings -- for baked goods -- but I got through them -- curious what tomorrow will bring.

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Hope you are making through the motivation hiccup, rhythmdaughter!

This has possibly been the hardest week of my life.  My brother had a relapse Friday evening and had to be helicoptered to another hospital with heart-transplant and LVAD pump capacity.  He has been touch-and-go, up-and-down, and mostly unconscious from sedation since then.  I flew back to Chicago Saturday evening and have been here since -- mostly at the hospital, though I did have one night at a hotel and one at my mother's house -- so my sleep has suffered.  I was able to interact with him a little a few times, but it is getting harder and harder the longer he is under heavy sedation.  My mother is a wreck, and relies on me to remember most of the details -- I have to repeat things to her over and over because she can't retain it.

My mom isn't comfortable driving the freeways and the distance to and from the hospital, and I haven't driven in 15 years, so we are more or less dependent on friends for rides, which also interferes with our ability to get a good night sleep.

He is improving in baby-steps, but he is still very critically ill, and even if he makes it through this first phase, it is quite likely he may need a heart transplant or pump, both of which are major life-changing events.

On top of that, the hospital's cafeteria is under construction and so food choices are super-limited.

Nevertheless, I am astonished to report that I have maintained Whole30 compliance so far, and am beginning to experience some signs of feeling better overall.  There are different food trucks that show up every day, and I was given a pass for the Fitness Center for showers and sauna, etc... and they tend to have a better and healthier variety of food choices than the other little venues in the hospital.  The hardest thing has been salad dressing, so I have eaten a lot of salads sans dressing -- but it's really not too bad.

It's the end of week 2! Almost halfway there -- I figure if I can do it through this, I can do it through anything.  Probably it is really helping me to be on this diet through this at any rate -- hard as it is, I would probably be in worse shape emotionally if I was eating crap -- and I don't think I could survive being in much worse shape emotionally.

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  • 2 weeks later...

How is it going rythmndaughter? 


Tomorrow is day 30 for me - whew! If I can do this through one of the most difficult periods of my life, I'm confident I can do it any time -- flying home today and grocery shopping tomorrow -- My menu should be much more creative the next round! (I seem to have lost my Whole60 partner, and I may take a day or two break -- we'll see -- but then I'm starting back in with another Whole30)

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How is it going rythmndaughter? 


Tomorrow is day 30 for me - whew! If I can do this through one of the most difficult periods of my life, I'm confident I can do it any time -- flying home today and grocery shopping tomorrow -- My menu should be much more creative the next round! (I seem to have lost my Whole60 partner, and I may take a day or two break -- we'll see -- but then I'm starting back in with another Whole30)

Hi Rebecca

I'm still doing the whole 60. I was going to take one or two day Break but when I thought about what it was I really wanted to eat I couldn't think of anything so I'm going straight through to the end of the 60 days. The only thing I really wanted to do was measure and weigh myself at the end of the first 30. My first 30 days will be up on Tuesday.

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Hey Cyndi!  Let's be Whole60 buddies then!  Today is day 30 for me -- I am prepping some food for the week -- I at out at my favorite restaurant today and managed not to cheat with one of their wonderful deserts -- nothing tops those, so I'm all in for the next 30 :)

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