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Just finished Whole30!


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Hi! My small forum group fell apart. I did a totally clean 30 days. Don't know if anyone else completed or gave up. While I did not get the full magic, I am very surprised to report loss of 9 lbs. (started at 147) so this is a decent percentage for 4 weeks. Lost 1.5 inches in hips and thigh area. Knew my clothes fit better but didn't realize it was this much. Energy level is a bit improved.

I am still craving sugar :(. So I will continue on with no sugar. I will be making homemade sugarless bread using a higher amt of whole grain ithan is typical. I also will wait to reintroduce other groups. Curious what will happen over the next two weeks with just a bit of this bread reintroduced.

Thanks whole 30!

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