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Hanging in there... Starting Log at Day 9


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I am a nursing mom of two girls- a 15 month old and a 6 year old. I'm constantly on the go, reasonably high stress level but I try to be mindful about it. I had a lovely Paleo pregnancy with great results, though I did struggle with obsessing about how much/what I ate. I have fallen 'off the wagon' since I was 40 weeks pregnant though. It's been almost 1.5 years. I choose the highest quality food possible, but consume far too much sugar and carbs if I don't mind myself.


Doing this Whole30 to reset my body and mind. It is, of course, proving difficult.


My main issue right now is major belly bloating and constipation. Prior to, I was very regular with no issues. Now I look almost pregnant- no, I definitely look pregnant, even though I've lost weight in my face/arms/legs.


I am not usually able to stomach protein in the morning (animal protein) except for whey protein powders, which are of course not allowed. I know smoothies aren't recommended, but I do use them sometimes just to get something in my stomach in a pinch. They would have protein if whey protein were allowed... I sometimes will put a raw egg in (yurk).


Today, Day 9



B1 (upon rising): Smoothie (1 frozen banana, 1 tbsp raw cacao, 1/2 can Whole30 compliant coconut milk)


B2 (10am): 2 eggs scrambled with 1/2 apple all cooked in coconut oil (my new favorite egg dish.)


L (1pm, I was out shopping so few choices): Whole30 compliant buffalo jerky bar + cashews (small amount) + coconut lara bar (1/2 of it, I split it with my little one) + kombucha


L2 (3:30pm): meat off of 3 pastured local chicken drumsticks cooked with 1/2 large head of napa cabbage cooked in coconut oil, plus nutritional yeast and dried chipotle flakes


D (6pm): Homemade beef stew (Lots of carrots, onion, celery, tomato, pastured organic chicken broth, local beef)


plus lots of tea/water all day.

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Today was crazy. We were gone so much of it at an event and no time to pack appropriate good for me so I didn't eat enough!!

B: 1 large banana 2 scoops raw cacao 1 handful kale quarter can coconut milk mall handful postachios

S: Apple and cashews, half can coconut milk

S: small handful almonds plus 2 tbsp coconut butter

D: large yam with coconut oil plus big bowl homemade beef stew

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